Yesterday17 / ZenScript

Visual Studio Code extension/Language Server for ZenScript, includes highlight, code snippet and language server(WIP). Works with 👇
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Add new preprocessors. #15

Closed friendlyhj closed 4 years ago

friendlyhj commented 4 years ago

Putting the #ikwid preprocessor on a script file will make it that Logger warnings aren't printed to the player chat

#sideonly client and #sideonly server

#disable_search_tree will disable recipe tree recalculation which may speed up game loading.

Putting the #profile preprocessor on a script file will profile the script actions

Yesterday17 commented 4 years ago

Seems it's preprocessor not listed in wiki. I'll add them soon.

Yesterday17 commented 4 years ago

Added all preprocessors at and updated v0.1.39.


friendlyhj commented 4 years ago

Great. But I don't know why, the IgnoreBracketErrorPreprocessor is called by #ignoreBracketErrors, like the wiki said. You missed an "s".

Yesterday17 commented 4 years ago

@friendlyhj I deleted the s because it doesn't have s in code. I think it's about the wiki which had a mistake.

friendlyhj commented 4 years ago

Yes, I know that. But my test tells me, the s is needed. So the code has a mistake, the wiki is right. That's pretty strange.

friendlyhj commented 4 years ago

Anyway, the new preprocessors don't have blue highlight.

Yesterday17 commented 4 years ago

hmm, seems there're some other problems.

Yesterday17 commented 4 years ago

Updated v0.1.40, fixed highlight and some minor bugs.

friendlyhj commented 4 years ago

But the preprocessor list still don't have the s. I think you'd better add the s. Extra letters don't matter, but the missing ones will cause problem.

Yesterday17 commented 4 years ago

hmm, seems i misunderstood what it means Should be fixed now.