Yesterday17 / ZenScript

Visual Studio Code extension/Language Server for ZenScript, includes highlight, code snippet and language server(WIP). Works with 👇
MIT License
34 stars 4 forks source link

zenscript falsely detects slash as error #7

Closed luoxingzlx closed 5 years ago

luoxingzlx commented 5 years ago


Yesterday17 commented 5 years ago

卧槽 还能这么用的吗 我去修

luoxingzlx commented 5 years ago

@Yesterday17 tinkersforgeing作者命名奇葩而已,按TIC的方式,材料应该用nbt写才对

Yesterday17 commented 5 years ago

image 修了 如果有什么别的特殊字符再说(

Yesterday17 commented 5 years ago

Successfully published yesterday17.zenscript@0.1.33! Your extension will live at (might take a few seconds for it to show up).

luoxingzlx commented 5 years ago
