Yesterday17 / ZenScript

Visual Studio Code extension/Language Server for ZenScript, includes highlight, code snippet and language server(WIP). Works with 👇
MIT License
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Always getting errors #8

Closed RakDuhl closed 5 years ago

RakDuhl commented 5 years ago

The extension keeps giving me this message, even tho the workspace has a folder named scripts.

Is there any way for fixing this?

ZenScript didn't enable all its features! Please check your folder name, it must be 'scripts', or a folder in your workspace must be named 'scripts'.

Yesterday17 commented 5 years ago

Could you show me the structure of your folder? And which folder did you open? If you opened minecraft folder, you need to enable supportMinecraftFolderMode in settings.

RakDuhl commented 5 years ago

my workspace is opened in a big Instance folder with many modpacks, so i have it all together and i don't know what exactly mean with settings... minecraft mod configs or VS Code?

Yesterday17 commented 5 years ago

hmmm... A bit Instance folder... Maybe MultiMC?

I recommend to open the exact modpack folder which you'd like to edit. If you've enabled supportMinecraftFolderMode in the setting of VSCode, you can just open the minecraft folder of the modpack you'd like to edit. If not, you can only open the scripts folder.

Note that no matter which way you use to open the folder, Probe is need to generate .zsrc under scripts folder.

RakDuhl commented 5 years ago

It is MultiMC, but it's the Instance folder where my workspace is saved in


Yesterday17 commented 5 years ago

@RakDuhl Just open the .minecraft folder and enable supportMinecraftFolderMode, then it should work.

Yesterday17 commented 5 years ago

@RakDuhl Have you solved this problem? Feel free to reopen this issue if this problem still exists.

RakDuhl commented 5 years ago

sorryy for very late reply, yes! it finally solved!