YetAnotherPomodoroApp / YAPA-2

Minimalistic desktop timer app for Pomodoro Technique users
MIT License
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Child of Issue #64 - Set number of hours & have YAPA v2 automatically create number of intervals based on time entered #66

Open nbacon0 opened 4 years ago

nbacon0 commented 4 years ago

If / when issue #64 is implemented, some sort of dialogue option in settings that says, perhaps:

"Set overall time of all intervals combined" " Hours Minutes"

Where " Hours" is the number of hours desired for the number of intervals to correspond to that amount of max time (" Minutes" minutes is the same)

For example, if I enter "8" in the "___" fields in front of hours, YAPA v2 would create eight intervals of "Work Interval --> Break Interval" if the Work Interval is set at 45 minutes and the Break Interval is set at 15 minutes.

Preferably the "buffer intervals" described in Issue #63 would not count towards this total or there would be an option to either allow them to be part of the total time or not