YetAnotherPomodoroApp / YAPA-2

Minimalistic desktop timer app for Pomodoro Technique users
MIT License
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Child of Issue #64 - Have a visual indicator of number of intervals as large dots above timer that fill in as intervals complete #67

Open nbacon0 opened 4 years ago

nbacon0 commented 4 years ago

Some sort of visual timer of empty dots or otherwise, that fill in as sets of "Work --> Break" intervals complete. For example:

work intervals complete

Filled orange balls indicate intervals completed, while empty white ones indicate intervals still left to go.

(Please note that size, color of balls in either completed or in incomplete state are used to highlight the feature and my terrible editing skills do not indicate a desired visual behavior or theme).

Mobeen-Ghaffar commented 4 years ago

There is space of only 4-5 Dots to show..But if there are more than 5 intervals then how to show ?