YetAnotherPomodoroApp / YAPA-2

Minimalistic desktop timer app for Pomodoro Technique users
MIT License
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Child of issues #69 #70 - JIRA and Trello Integration of Tasks #71

Open nbacon0 opened 4 years ago

nbacon0 commented 4 years ago

Vague, but having the ability for cards assigned to me via Trello or JIRA to be pulled in as I check off tasks on the YAPA-2 checklist (if implemented) would be helpful. Not sure how this would be done or what form it would take, but it may take the form of integration from other tools:

floatas commented 2 years ago

Brainstorming: Press start pomodor -> popup window is shown with all Trello tasks, that are assigned to you -> you select task -> pomodor timer is started. When timer ends -> new popup is displayed with question "have you completed task" -> when yes, move task to new column, when no - do nothing.

It might be interesting to have some kind of intergrations. Would be great if someone could help to define full flow of this process.

adrakadabra commented 2 years ago

Trello integration is a great idea. This is how I see the scheme of working with Trello

floatas commented 2 years ago

This mock-up and flow look perfect. Simple, minimalistic, and fits application perfectly. Also with this UI we can add other integrations, such as JIRA.

Will start to work on the prototype when I have more time.

Thank you!