Open vslonska opened 1 month ago
Go to your database and fire: delete from vtiger_ossmails_logs where status = 1 limit 1;
I have set it in cron: /5 * /usr/bin/mysql -u[user] -p[password]< /var/www/html/mysql-commands/clearmailscanner.sql > /var/www/html/cache/logs/cronmysql.log 2>&1
clearmailscanner.sql: USE mydatabase; delete from vtiger_ossmails_logs where status = 1 limit 1;
@garryatbrighton This will not solve the problem in any way.
The problem in such cases is always the issue of parsing the email. The YF system cannot handle it for some reason. The problem is usually the attachments, headers or the email content itself. So I recommend activating the application logs and see what exactly is the problem.
By the way, if you are using version 6.5 or lower, I recommend updating to 7.0.x, because the entire mechanism of the email scanner has been thoroughly rebuilt and it will most likely reduce the number of errors in this area.
Thank you for your answers. I use the last version of Yetiforce. Which logs should I activate?
I also activated the option in config/main.php to stop Cron after 1 hour if the task is not completed but it doesn't stop the email scanner.
Thank you, Regards,
Which logs should I activate?
public static $LOG_TO_FILE = true;
public static $LOG_LEVELS = ['error','warning'];
public static $LOG_TRACE_LEVEL = 9;
public static $DEBUG_CRON = true;
Logs will be registered in the following file: cache/logs/system.log
and cache/logs/cron/*
Hello, I have in te log file :
2024-09-23 22:13:10.323 [error][] - Mail Scanner - Account: 1, folder: INBOX, UID: 581, message: ERR_ILLEGAL_FIELD_VALUE||subject||OSSMailView||
Échec de certaines corrections pour Indexation des pages problèmes
du site
- 0 app/Mail/Scanner.php:152 >> App\Log->error('Mail Scanner - Account: 1, folder: INBOX, UID: 581, message: ERR_ILLEGAL_FIELD_VALUE||subject||OSSMailView||
Échec de certaines corrections pour Indexation des pages problèmes
du site
- 1 modules/OSSMailScanner/crons/Scann.php:46 >> App\Mail\Scanner->run()
- 2 cron.php:100 >> OSSMailScanner_Scann_Cron->process()
2024-09-23 22:13:01.2318 [info][[application]] -
$_SESSION = ['last_activity'=>1727122381.261789]
Do you have any idea ? Thanks,
It seems that the subject of the email is the source of the problem here. It may contain HTML syntax or some other unacceptable characters. Also check if you have uft8mb4 or uft8mb3 database encoding. If you can, please provide the subject of the email.
Hello, Thanks for the answer.
It's a message from Google Search Console. In the headers I have :
subject Échec de certaines corrections pour Indexation des pages problèmes du site
fromGoogle Search Console Team <>
If I open the system.log file with a local text editor I see (with an encoding problem) :
Ãchec de certaines corrections pour Indexation des pages problèmes
I don't see any encoding problem in the subject of the email in the inbox (Rouncube in Yetiforce or in the original mailbox of the provider).
The encoding of the database is correct I think :
I can send you the problematic email if you want.
I also have another error :
2024-09-23 23:59:19.2802 [error][[App\Fields\File]] - Error during file validation: mj_logo_with_text_color.svg | Size: 4362
App\Exceptions\DangerousFile: ERR_FILE_ILLEGAL_FORMAT in app/Fields/File.php:1279
Stack trace:
#0 app/Fields/File.php(444): App\Fields\File->validateFormat()
#1 app/Fields/File.php(474): App\Fields\File->validate()
#2 app/Mail/Message/Imap.php(558): App\Fields\File->validateAndSecure()
#3 app/Mail/Message/Imap.php(528): App\Mail\Message\Imap->getFileFromImage()
#4 app/Mail/Message/Imap.php(378): App\Mail\Message\Imap->parseBody()
#5 app/Mail/Message/Imap.php(430): App\Mail\Message\Imap->getBody()
#6 app/Mail/ScannerAction/CreatedMail.php(68): App\Mail\Message\Imap->hasAttachments()
#7 modules/OSSMail/views/MailActionBar.php(50): App\Mail\ScannerAction\CreatedMail->process()
#8 include/main/WebUI.php(161): OSSMail_MailActionBar_View->process()
#9 index.php(26): Vtiger_WebUI->process()
#10 public_html/index.php(13): require('...')
#11 {main}
Hello, I quite often have a problem with the mail scanner, which goes on and on and on... even if the Cron is ok and running well, and the server configured as recommended. I have to manually stop it and to wait a few minutes for the cron to start it to get it work again.
I would like to automatically stop it if it doesn't end after some time. Is it possible ?
Thank you, Regards,