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[bug] Mail Scanner fails with error on invalid MailId #12290

Closed diderich closed 4 years ago

diderich commented 4 years ago

🐞 bug report

⁉️ Describe the bug

Mail scanner fails with error about

The mail scanner fails when reading mail with error message:

2019-12-21 11:22:11.669 [error][IllegalValue] - purifyByType: <!&!AAAAAAAAAAAuAAAAAAAAAI2EY7b/pIVCuSQQAo+CBF4BADStdhh1kZdNv2xPdpUchzoBAAIAAAAAABAAAAC5hIHpd6CwSIORsysc39GxAQAAAAA=>
App\Exceptions\IllegalValue: ERR_NOT_ALLOWED_VALUE||<!&!AAAAAAAAAAAuAAAAAAAAAI2EY7b/pIVCuSQQAo+CBF4BADStdhh1kZdNv2xPdpUchzoBAAIAAAAAABAAAAC5hIHpd6CwSIORsysc39GxAQAAAAA=> in /opt/crm/app/Purifier.php:452
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/crm/modules/OSSMail/models/Record.php(241): App\Purifier::purifyByType()
#1 /opt/crm/modules/OSSMailView/models/Record.php(309): OSSMail_Record_Model::getMail()
#2 /opt/crm/modules/OSSMail/views/MailActionBar.php(35): OSSMailView_Record_Model->checkMailExist()
#3 /opt/crm/include/main/WebUI.php(191): OSSMail_MailActionBar_View->process()
#4 /opt/crm/index.php(28): Vtiger_WebUI->process()
#5 /opt/crm/public_html/index.php(11): require('/opt/crm/index....')
#6 {main}

The internet header of the mail scanned is as follows:

From: "Claude Diderich" <>
To: <>
References: <> <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: RE: This is a test message from yahoo to
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2019 11:12:13 +0100
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 16.0
Thread-Index: AQJgcIadeXpGXW2CoiX8H8NdwrIN5wGDjykJAgEg4q0=
Content-Language: en-us
Disposition-Notification-To: "Claude Diderich" <>

πŸ”₯ How to trigger the error

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Save e-mail with header in imap folder
  2. Execute cron job
  3. See error

πŸ‘Ž Actual Behavior

Mail is not imported

πŸ‘ Expected Behavior

Mail is imported

πŸ‘· Testing

πŸ“· Screenshot of configuration

πŸ“ PHP/Apache/Nginx/Browser/CRM Logs

==================================================================================================================================== 2019-12-21 11:22:11.669 [error][IllegalValue] - purifyByType: <!&!AAAAAAAAAAAuAAAAAAAAAI2EY7b/pIVCuSQQAo+CBF4BADStdhh1kZdNv2xPdpUchzoBAAIAAAAAABAAAAC5hIHpd6CwSIORsysc39GxAQAAAAA=> 2019-12-21 11:22:11.6692 [error] - ERR_NOT_ALLOWED_VALUE||<!&!AAAAAAAAAAAuAAAAAAAAAI2EY7b/pIVCuSQQAo+CBF4BADStdhh1kZdNv2xPdpUchzoBAAIAAAAAABAAAAC5hIHpd6CwSIORsysc39GxAQAAAAA=> App\Exceptions\IllegalValue: ERR_NOT_ALLOWED_VALUE||<!&!AAAAAAAAAAAuAAAAAAAAAI2EY7b/pIVCuSQQAo+CBF4BADStdhh1kZdNv2xPdpUchzoBAAIAAAAAABAAAAC5hIHpd6CwSIORsysc39GxAQAAAAA=> in /opt/crm/app/Purifier.php:452 Stack trace:

0 /opt/crm/modules/OSSMail/models/Record.php(241): App\Purifier::purifyByType()

1 /opt/crm/modules/OSSMailView/models/Record.php(309): OSSMail_Record_Model::getMail()

2 /opt/crm/modules/OSSMail/views/MailActionBar.php(35): OSSMailView_Record_Model->checkMailExist()

3 /opt/crm/include/main/WebUI.php(191): OSSMail_MailActionBar_View->process()

4 /opt/crm/index.php(28): Vtiger_WebUI->process()

5 /opt/crm/public_html/index.php(11): require('/opt/crm/index....')

6 {main}

2019-12-21 11:22:11.5107 [info][application] - $_GET = [] $_POST = [ '_csrf' => 'sid:da8b55aec114ce223da4e208c0b331f70ceb64ca,1576923708' 'module' => 'OSSMail' 'view' => 'MailActionBar' 'uid' => '8' 'folder' => 'INBOX/crm' 'rcId' => 'MvmxXc9KUcfqQ0bE' ] $_FILES = [] $_COOKIE = [ 'language' => 'en_US' 'YTSID' => 'i3327vr61hrt2mhvtaesg4p4m9' 'roundcube_sessid' => '8dlgvni82g3je5o6khl43t2q8q' 'roundcube_sessauth' => '7FY4o6lY2i29LWPvfPbb7o4UDD-1576923300' ] $_SESSION = [ 'CSP_TOKEN' => '4403c1f79b36c1a2e3667867277a12f01c71a42002a239e520e79850af087305' 'last_activity' => 1576923731.5119 'UserAuthMethod' => 'PASSWORD' 'authenticated_user_id' => 1 'app_unique_key' => '5da0e8994d70e46c580657ff6df6dd7e9fbcd5f0' 'user_name' => 'root2020' 'full_user_name' => 'Administrator System' 'fingerprint' => 'd520c7a8-421b-4563-b955-f5abc56b97ec' 'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0' 'DashBoard' => [ 'Home' => [ 'LastDashBoardId' => 1 ] ] ] $stability = [ 'phpVersion' => '7.4.1' 'error_reporting' => 'E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE | E_CORE_ERROR | E_CORE_WARNING | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_WARNING | E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING | E_USER_NOTICE (22527)' 'output_buffering' => '4096' 'default_socket_timeout' => '600' 'memory_limit' => '512 MB' 'short_open_tag' => 'Off' 'post_max_size' => '50 MB' 'upload_max_filesize' => '100 MB' 'max_input_vars' => '10000' 'auto_detect_line_endings' => 'On' ] $security = [ 'HTTPS' => 'Off' 'session.use_strict_mode' => 'On' 'expose_php' => 'Off' ] $headers = [ 'Header: server' => 'Apache' 'Header: access-control-allow-origin' => '*' 'Header: referrer-policy' => 'no-referrer' 'Header: expect-ct' => 'enforce; max-age=3600' 'Header: x-frame-options' => 'sameorigin' 'Header: x-xss-protection' => '1; mode=block' 'Header: x-content-type-options' => 'nosniff' 'Header: x-robots-tag' => 'none' 'Header: x-permitted-cross-domain-policies' => 'none' ] $libraries = [ 'ldap' => 'LBL_NO' 'apcu' => 'LBL_NO' 'imagick' => 'LBL_NO' ] $performance = [ 'opcache.enable_cli' => 'On' 'opcache.max_accelerated_files' => '40000' 'opcache.interned_strings_buffer' => '100' 'opcache.revalidate_freq' => '0' 'opcache.save_comments' => '0' 'opcache.file_update_protection' => '0' 'realpath_cache_ttl' => '600' 'mysqlnd.collect_statistics' => 'Off' ] $environment = [ 'error_log' => false ]

🌍 Your Environment

Environment Version / Name
YetiForce 5.2.94
Web server (name and version) spache2
PHP 7.4.1
Browser (name and version)
Operating System (name and version)
Database (name and version)
Service Pack version 2019.12.18

❓ Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

❗️ Inform the community if you solve the problem

z0lo13 commented 4 years ago

@mariuszkrzaczkowski please add [ and ] as well it throws an error on mine

our MailId are in folowing format <31238641246123694124[sssq@].