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[bug] Selecting a contact via widget, does not store parent_id #13722

Open tobiasgraeber opened 3 years ago

tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

13441 🐞 bug report

⁉️ Describe the bug

If you choose to select a contact via widget "external module" -> "contact" like here:


Inside of the "Leads"-Module. The Widget does not get updated. The Widget "Updates" shows that a contact has been added to the leas - but the contact itself does not show up inside of the "contacts" Widget.


If you add the relation between lead<->contact inside the contact-entry itself via the field "member of / parent_id" - it works.

grafik grafik

🔥 How to trigger the error

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Add a Widget for contacts inside of leads
  2. Add a Contact to the contact list
  3. Try to select that content inside of the lead via the contact widget
  4. Selected contact should show up inside of the widget

👎 Actual Behavior

  1. Add a Widget for contacts inside of leads
  2. Add a Contact to the contact list
  3. Try to select that content inside of the lead via the contact widget
  4. Does not work / contact does not show up

👍 Expected Behavior

  1. Add a Widget for contacts inside of leads
  2. Add a Contact to the contact list
  3. Try to select that content inside of the lead via the contact widget
  4. Selected contact should show up inside of the widget
tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

Additional information:

I´ve clicked on the button "extended / erweitert" inside of the module contacts:


Now, none of these two buttons are clickable anymore. Could that lead to the problem decribet above? Is there any way to just "reset" the contact modul?

I´ve also tried to create a own module, but sadly, for this, a "widget"-option doesn´t seem to exist by default?


vovpff commented 3 years ago

Look in community for Trebute.js bug. Maybe this is solution

tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

Thank you but... where to look and search exactly regarding this?

vovpff commented 3 years ago


tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

Thank you - but i think, thats another issue. My Problem is not, that widgets are foldet. Thats working.

My Problem is, that, if i try to reference a contact via a widget, thats possible in the first step, but after assigning, the contact does NOT show up in the contact-widget.

Sadly i cannot reproduce that for examle in because here in the test environment it seems as if you cannot "search" for a contact at the moment:


Basically try to do that, select a contact, add it - it should show up in the "TEST"-Widgets list after that, but, on my side, it doesn´t at the moment. Note: "Add record" works, but i am talking about "Select record". :-)

vovpff commented 3 years ago

@tobiasgraeber i will try you issue tomorrow.

vovpff commented 3 years ago

@tobiasgraeber could you provide screenshots with english labels?

tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

Thanks - we can also have a teams meeting or some kind of videocall if you like. To me, the issue seems kind of easy but strange - i dont get any error but i also do not get any contact entry in the widget. Basically, as far as i can see, this ajax request is fired:


Result ist:


But still the widget-contact-list does not show the entry:


Also i tried to debug \yetiforce\modules\Vtiger\actions\RelationAjax.php method "addRelation" but any output / debugging in here, does not have any effect - which file do i need to edit? Do i need to clear some cache or so? how?


Thanks in advance!

vovpff commented 3 years ago

@tobiasgraeber i think you system works well. There is two general different type of relations availble (1:M and manytomany*).

For first one you need to input parent record name - Contact to Account, Contact to Lead and etc. The point of this type of relation is parent record has fixed relations with child records by field.

For manytomany you can add a lot of relations between different parent records and childs records. As example you can l relate same Contact for unlimeted value of Opportunities.

In your system you have active search button in widget what will be fixed (removed) for new release (5.4 or 6.0). This happens from time to time because system became improved with releases. Now you can diactivate this manually in database.

tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

@vovpff i understand. I also know i can disable the search. But thats not an improvement, its a huge step backwards then. For me it would be important to select a pre-existing contract via the search option and assign it, for example to a lead (from inside the lead details, via the widget itself! )

If that feature gets removed - what's the alternative???!

If i need to go the other way around, so: creating the contact and assign it to a lead then from inside the contact - that would be much more inefficient

I understand the difference relation types - but nevertheless, there is no way for me to define the type that should be used, and even if, that does not help here :-) (At least i dont know where to do that) .

So problem stays as it is - or, to ask in another way: what will be the "improved" solution / alternative for the search button then in the future release?

tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

Sorry, but i just dont get it. Let me ask one more question - for example on

How can i add an EXISTING Contact to this lead?

vovpff commented 3 years ago


vovpff commented 3 years ago

@tobiasgraeber now gitdev broken :(

tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

Ok, what to look for via this link :-) ? What do you mean?

vovpff commented 3 years ago

@tobiasgraeber this is answer for your question: if you want to relate existing Contact to this lead you need to fill Contact Member of field with name of lead like here

tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

@vovpff Thanks again - yes thats one way. But i cannot understand, why the other way around gets removed? Thats so much more inefficient :-(

tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

@mariuszkrzaczkowski is this (removing of the search feature without alternative) really the case here?

vovpff commented 3 years ago

@tobiasgraeber I think what new way is better than old removed. This is difficult to describe

tobiasgraeber commented 3 years ago

Please try to describe or use sceenschots or a loom-video or so. I am really interested.

I mean: If for example, somebody wants to assign multiple contacts to 1 lead, its way faster to use the search function via widget to find existing contacts and add them,insead of opening each contact one by one and assigning the lead inside of the details of a contact.

Cannot understand this decision. I mean, for products for example, its basically the same (search possible via widget - but here it works)

vovpff commented 3 years ago

@tobiasgraeber I think this is searching grows from old vtiger versions but now Ccontact should be hard related to Account/Lead. With this hard relation you can do more using workflow or handlers.