Closed PercyP closed 7 years ago
Add a module to the hierarchy of modules Create action in the scanner e-mail adress: prefix in the subject:
Thank you for reply. So far I have managed to get it to work up to the point where I save the record. This is what I did:
Opened file /user_privileges/moduleHierarchy.php Added a new line here: ?php return [ 'modulesHierarchy' => [ 'Accounts' => ['level' => 0], 'Leads' => ['level' => 0], 'Vendors' => ['level' => 0], 'Partners' => ['level' => 0], 'Competition' => ['level' => 0], 'OSSEmployees' => ['level' => 0], 'Contacts' => ['level' => 1], 'SSalesProcesses' => ['level' => 1], 'Project' => ['level' => 1], 'ServiceContracts' => ['level' => 1], 'Campaigns' => ['level' => 1], 'FBookkeeping' => ['level' => 1], 'NewModule' => ['level' => 1],
Then copied /modules/OSSMailScanner/scanneractions/BindAccounts.php
and renamed the file to NewModule.php and changed the body text as follows:
@author Mariusz Krzaczkowski */ class OSSMailScanner_BindAccounts_ScannerAction extends OSSMailScanner_EmailScannerAction_Model {
public function process(OSSMail_Mail_Model $mail) { return parent::process($mail, 'NewModule'); } }
After saving, I went to email, selected an incoming message. The NewModule appears under the Processes, so I select NewModule and create the new record. Then click Save and the following error appears:
Error!!! Access denied
Go back Home page
Am I correct in thinking that I was meant to use either BindAccounts or BindProject as a template for my new module?
I have changed the file/folder permissions via ssh so it can't be that. Am I missing a step?
Kind regards
Try this:
class OSSMailScanner_BindNEWMODULE_ScannerAction extends OSSMailScanner_EmailScannerAction_Model { public function process(OSSMail_Mail_Model $mail) { return parent::process($mail,'NEWMODULE'); } }
and try:
'NewModule' => ['level' => 0],
Thanks for response.
I realised I hadn't changed this bit to my new module name:
class OSSMailScanner_BindNEWMODULE_ScannerAction extends
I have done this now, however, I still get the error. I notice too that for custom modules I cannot select the Quick Create for new custom fields. I can click on the check box but it will not add the tick. If I add a custom field to the built in modules I can edit the quick create check box in a custom field. Could this have something to do with why it won't save? There are no fields in the Quick Create box that pops up when selecting NewModule in the email binding, only the option to go to full form
Could this have something to do with why it won't save
I do not think, however, to understand what can be, active debugging from config/debug.php (v3.4):
'LOG_TO_FILE' => true, // Enable displaying logs in debug console. Values: false/true 'LOG_TO_CONSOLE' => false, // Enable saving logs profiling. Values: false/true 'LOG_TO_PROFILE' => false, // Level of saved/displayed logs // Values: false = All / 3 = error and warning / ['error', 'warning', 'info', 'trace', 'profile'], 'LOG_LEVELS' => ['error'], // Level of saved/displayed tracerts. // Values: int 'LOG_TRACE_LEVEL' => 10,
Repeat this step:
The NewModule appears under the Processes, so I select NewModule and create the new record. Then click Save and the following error appears
and then, watch in file cache/logs/system.log
I have followed your instructions and tested. This is the output in the debug file:
`2017-01-26 16:17:54.17 [error] - Error in Mail Sending: Message body empty
$_COOKIE = [ 'PHPSESSID' => '19e8f8ea5889f527531d2' 'timezone' => 'Europe/London' 'cpsession' => 'mysite:HdRBJpZiS5dkp1Vi,813b2f76cdda4093ee13a521eff4c63d' 'cd1e449df1367a619a07127624f41252' => 'c76545d05d3a30940e4bce6a91ca8cca' '562250beba1650efcd6e53c7104315c8' => 'ab13552ef91fc332c7f7b02e90b389d4' 'jpanesliders_slide_pane1' => '0' 'jpanesliders_menu-pane3' => '0' 'jpanesliders_menu-pane2' => '0' 'roundcube_sessid' => '9b18f3a36dbb5820ab6f4a998a94926d' 'chat_settings' => 'bbCode=true&bbCodeImages=true&bbCodeColors=true&hyperLinks=true&lineBreaks=true&emoticons=true&autoFocus=false&autoScroll=true&maxMessages=0&wordWrap=true&maxWordLength=32&dateFormat=(%25H%3A%25i%3A%25s)&persistFontColor=false&fontColor=null&audio=true&audioVolume=0.5&soundReceive=sound_1&soundSend=sound_2&soundEnter=sound_3&soundLeave=sound_4&soundChatBot=sound_5&soundError=sound_6&blink=true&blinkInterval=500&blinkIntervalNumber=10' 'chat_style' => 'MyBB' 'roundcube_sessauth' => 'Se68bba300fa6b3c169700a2802352815aa725b4f' 'chat_lang' => 'en' ]
$_SESSION = [ '__HTTP_Session_Info' => 2 'language' => '' 'layout' => '' 'AUTHUSERID' => 10 'authenticated_user_id' => 10 'app_unique_key' => '9322f55d1f1fd21d4127742be4582791' 'authenticated_user_language' => 'en_gb' 'user_name' => 'Jane' 'full_user_name' => 'Doe Jane' 'chatUserID' => 10 'chatUserName' => 'Jane' 'chatLoginUserName' => 'Jane' 'chatUserRole' => 1 'chatLoggedIn' => true 'chatLoginTimeStamp' => 1485436222 'chatIP' => '' 'chatChannel' => 0 'chatChannelEnterTimeStamp' => 1485436222 'chatStatusUpdateTimeStamp' => 1485447466 'chatInactiveCheckTimeStamp' => 1485447201 'lvs' => [ 'Newmodule' => [ 'sortby' => '' 'sorder' => '' 'viewname' => 111 111 => [ 'start' => '1' ] ] 'Contacts' => [ 'sortby' => '' 'sorder' => '' 'viewname' => 7 7 => [ 'start' => '1' ] ] 'Leads' => [ 'sortby' => '' 'sorder' => '' 'viewname' => 1 1 => [ 'start' => '1' ] ] 'Accounts' => [ 'sortby' => '' 'sorder' => '' 'viewname' => 4 4 => [ 'start' => '1' ] ] 'Project' => [ 'sortby' => '' 'sorder' => '' 'viewname' => 45 45 => [ 'start' => '1' ] ] ] 'Newmodule_listquery' => 'SELECT vtiger_newmodule.newmodule, vtiger_newmodule.number, vtiger_crmentity.createdtime, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_newmodule.newmoduleid FROM vtiger_newmodule INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_newmodule.newmoduleid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0' 'Contacts_listquery' => 'SELECT vtiger_contactdetails.firstname, vtiger_contactdetails.lastname, vtiger_contactdetails.parentid,,, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_contactdetails.contactid FROM vtiger_contactdetails INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_contactdetails.contactid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0' 'Leads_listquery' => 'SELECT vtiger_leaddetails.lastname,,,,, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_leaddetails.leadid FROM vtiger_leaddetails INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid INNER JOIN vtiger_leadaddress ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_leadaddress.leadaddressid INNER JOIN vtiger_leadsubdetails ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_leadsubdetails.leadsubscriptionid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and vtiger_leaddetails.converted=0' 'Accounts_listquery' => 'SELECT vtiger_account.accountname,,, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_account.accountid FROM vtiger_account INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0' 'Project_listquery' => 'SELECT vtiger_project.projectname, vtiger_project.linktoaccountscontacts, vtiger_project.startdate, vtiger_project.targetenddate, vtiger_project.actualenddate, vtiger_project.targetbudget, vtiger_project.progress, vtiger_project.projectstatus, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_project.projectid FROM vtiger_project INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_project.projectid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0' ]2017-01-26 16:19:25.32 [error] - Error Vtiger_Loader::getComponentClassName(View, InProjectRelation, OSSMailView): Handler not found
$_COOKIE = [ 'PHPSESSID' => '19e8f8ea5889f527531d2' 'timezone' => 'Europe/London' 'cpsession' => 'mysite:HdRBJpZiS5dkp1Vi,813b2f76cdda4093ee13a521eff4c63d' 'cd1e449df1367a619a07127624f41252' => 'c76545d05d3a30940e4bce6a91ca8cca' '562250beba1650efcd6e53c7104315c8' => 'ab13552ef91fc332c7f7b02e90b389d4' 'jpanesliders_slide_pane1' => '0' 'jpanesliders_menu-pane3' => '0' 'jpanesliders_menu-pane2' => '0' 'roundcube_sessid' => '9b18f3a36dbb5820ab6f4a998a94926d' 'roundcube_sessauth' => 'Se68bba300fa6b3c169700a2802352815aa725b4f' 'chat_settings' => 'bbCode=true&bbCodeImages=true&bbCodeColors=true&hyperLinks=true&lineBreaks=true&emoticons=true&autoFocus=false&autoScroll=true&maxMessages=0&wordWrap=true&maxWordLength=32&dateFormat=(%25H%3A%25i%3A%25s)&persistFontColor=false&fontColor=null&audio=true&audioVolume=0.5&soundReceive=sound_1&soundSend=sound_2&soundEnter=sound_3&soundLeave=sound_4&soundChatBot=sound_5&soundError=sound_6&blink=true&blinkInterval=500&blinkIntervalNumber=10' 'chat_style' => 'MyBB' 'chat_lang' => 'en' ]
$_SESSION = [ '__HTTP_Session_Info' => 2 'language' => '' 'layout' => '' 'AUTHUSERID' => 10 'authenticated_user_id' => 10 'app_unique_key' => '9322f55d1f1fd21d4127742be4582791' 'authenticated_user_language' => 'en_gb' 'user_name' => 'Jane' 'full_user_name' => 'Doe Jane' 'chatUserID' => 10 'chatUserName' => 'Jane' 'chatLoginUserName' => 'Jane' 'chatUserRole' => 1 'chatLoggedIn' => true 'chatLoginTimeStamp' => 1485436222 'chatIP' => '' 'chatChannel' => 0 'chatChannelEnterTimeStamp' => 1485436222 'chatStatusUpdateTimeStamp' => 1485447517 'chatInactiveCheckTimeStamp' => 1485447502 'lvs' => [ 'Newmodule' => [ 'sortby' => '' 'sorder' => '' 'viewname' => 111 111 => [ 'start' => '1' ] ] 'Contacts' => [ 'sortby' => '' 'sorder' => '' 'viewname' => 7 7 => [ 'start' => '1' ] ] 'Leads' => [ 'sortby' => '' 'sorder' => '' 'viewname' => 1 1 => [ 'start' => '1' ] ] 'Accounts' => [ 'sortby' => '' 'sorder' => '' 'viewname' => 4 4 => [ 'start' => '1' ] ] 'Project' => [ 'sortby' => '' 'sorder' => '' 'viewname' => 45 45 => [ 'start' => '1' ] ] ] 'Newmodule_listquery' => 'SELECT vtiger_newmodule.newmodule, vtiger_newmodule.number, vtiger_crmentity.createdtime, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_newmodule.newmoduleid FROM vtiger_newmodule INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_newmodule.newmoduleid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0' 'Contacts_listquery' => 'SELECT vtiger_contactdetails.firstname, vtiger_contactdetails.lastname, vtiger_contactdetails.parentid,,, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_contactdetails.contactid FROM vtiger_contactdetails INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_contactdetails.contactid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0' 'Leads_listquery' => 'SELECT vtiger_leaddetails.lastname,,,,, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_leaddetails.leadid FROM vtiger_leaddetails INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid INNER JOIN vtiger_leadaddress ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_leadaddress.leadaddressid INNER JOIN vtiger_leadsubdetails ON vtiger_leaddetails.leadid = vtiger_leadsubdetails.leadsubscriptionid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0 and vtiger_leaddetails.converted=0' 'Accounts_listquery' => 'SELECT vtiger_account.accountname,,, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_account.accountid FROM vtiger_account INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_account.accountid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0' 'Project_listquery' => 'SELECT vtiger_project.projectname, vtiger_project.linktoaccountscontacts, vtiger_project.startdate, vtiger_project.targetenddate, vtiger_project.actualenddate, vtiger_project.targetbudget, vtiger_project.progress, vtiger_project.projectstatus, vtiger_crmentity.smownerid, vtiger_project.projectid FROM vtiger_project INNER JOIN vtiger_crmentity ON vtiger_project.projectid = vtiger_crmentity.crmid WHERE vtiger_crmentity.deleted=0' ]`
I tested adding to Projects which works correctly, then tested adding to Accounts and my NewModule (both Accounts and NewModule have problems in that the Quick Create has no fields in it and nor can they be selected, and if I go to full form it produces the same error.
Does this make any sense to you seeing the log? I am not sure what I am looking for.
in this log output there are not errors related to your problem.
try to change the log level 'LOG_LEVELS' => ['info'],
and filter the output for keyword related to your error: eg 'permission' from linux command line: grep -i --color 'permission' cache/logs/system.log
your problem appears to be related to permissions, checks the profiles and module access. you could do a test on a clean install.
you may also activate the browser debug console from config/debug.php (v3.4):
'LOG_TO_CONSOLE' => true,
thanks so much for your help.
I finally found the error. In Configuration/Standard Modules/Edit Fields The Basic/Advanced button needed to be switched so that Basic is blue - this then finally displays the Quick Create and allows for changing the state of Quick Create in the field editor.
I have created a simple custom module (just a few fields) and want to add a link in the email to allow me to bind an incoming email to this module. I cannot see any way to do this via the admin area. I can see in OSSMailScanner/scanneractions/ there are bind files created. Is it as simple as adding a new one (based on an existing php file in that folder) or is it more complicated than this?
Is there anything currently within yetiforce to create a new bind (sorry if that is the wrong terminology)