Closed ldgbc closed 7 years ago
nothing in logfile what causes the problem? I've done two test upgrades here with my non-production yetiforce installation.
Thanks @migoi . I notice you been contributing many code changes. Hopefully one of those fixed this issue.
I posted a few logs and no one can help from the look of it. There a few issue/thread lying around that got full of details. Here are some example and relevant topic: #3996 #3910 #4015 #4007 #4028 #4035 There also this interesting Issue: #4058 but I haven't got the chances to look at it yet. I'm curious in trying to Disable SQLAND library and see if I can reproduce it. If it reproducible then it mean that dead end. If it isn't reproducible then it mean that there some other Webserver Requirement I might have missed.
may your installation does not know the filepath (ROOT_DIRECTORY) so it does not see the complete path and thus it fails
Perhaps I need to edit the coding here and a miracle might appear.
Anyway, here is the result of my manual update..
This will add the "Modern" skin/theme. A blue looking type. I like it more than Twilight because it more squeezed so I can see more data. It does have 1 issue from my testing though. There multiple (2 to 7 of them) Loading Animation rather than just 1 when you make edit/change/saving.
/layouts/basic/skins/ This folder can be replaced by v4.0
/modules/Vtiger/helpers/Util.php This file need to add the new code so the setting appear on your User option
['twilight' => '#404952', 'blue' => '#00509e', 'modern' => '#0d9605'];
I included the files that include that changes. You can download them if you can't be bother. Two version, one with just that line changed. One with other v4.0 coding.
I want to try the update OpenStreetMap module but that is more difficult. It will cause a Contact Editing/Saving bug loop so I can't use it until I figure out how.
With most of the Module, these two folder need to stay as 3.4 or else you will get a blank page. "/model" and "/view"
DAV module seem to be okay in the sense that I haven't run into any bug yet. However it doesn't work for me. I manage to sync 1 contact from Phone to Yeti but I can't sync more, not sure why. But at least the v.4 fixed the "running" loop in CRON.
Here are the result:
modules/API/models/ Leave "DAV.php" as v3.4, If changed to v4 you cannot see/add Key,
Documents Module Changing these file didn't add the "Mass Add Document" Icon/Feature.. One of the other folder will mess up the Saving/Adding, so skip this for now (I think this referencing to the code:) : $queryGenerator->setField('filetype'
but I forgot to edit this in my note.
modules/Documents/ model and view probably need code editing.
modules/Documents/ model/listview.php this file here, contain this code that will break your Documents module: $queryGenerator->setField('filetype'); So either keep that line the same in v3.4 or don't add it.
modules/Vtiger/uitypes/ DocumentsFileUpload.php doesn't seem to affect saving or uploading
modules/Vtiger/uitypes/ DocumentsFolder.php doesn't seem to affect saving or uploading
libraries/jquery/multiplefileupload/ Not relevant as it was last updated 5 months ago
layouts/basic/modules/Documents/ no problem with saving or viewing
/layouts/basic/modules/Vtiger/uitypes/ DocumentsFileUpload.tpl no problem with saving or viewing
/layouts/basic/modules/Vtiger/uitypes/ DocumentsFolder.tpl no problem with saving or viewing
Anyway that is it for today. Not much result. Only the "skin" is considered success. The rest is Work-In-Progress.
This is result from Day 2. Probably won't touch the next folder until next weekend.
/config/modules/ Accounts.php add the new code
/config/modules/ Calendar.php add the new code
/config/modules/ Export.php Add the file
/config/modules/ Import.php Add the file
/config/modules/ Mail.php Add the file
/config/modules/ SQuotes.php Add the file
/config/modules/ SSalesProcesses.php Add the file
/config/modules/ ModTracker.php add the new code
/config/modules/ OSSMail.php Replaced it
\config api.php Kept 3.4 for Mobile and Yetiportal
\config config.php leave it alone since there isn't much coding and not worth server breaking
\config config.db.php the 'type' have been remove. Could this be the reason Updating not working??? There also a slight change in DB code. Maybe I can try to use v3.4 config.db.php and may be able to upgrade.
\config blank
\config config.template.php There is a new type, "test" I'll just add this code so I might be able to use Test mode. Most likely not.
\config csrf_config.php too complex. Don't touch yet
\config debug.php Seem okay to replace the whole file
\config developer.php match
\config mimetypes.php match
\config parent_tabdata.php match
\config performance.php Seem okay to replace the whole file. Few added lines and some lines are just moved/order different.
\config relation.php match
\config search.php only new code so replace should be okay
\config secret_keys.php backup key was remove. Keep 3.4 for now
\config security.php only new code so replace should be okay
\config sounds.php match
\config version.php Manual code change for those version (lib) as I probably will be copy/paste those module sometime in the future.
cron\modules\com_vtiger_workflow com_vtiger_workflow.service too complex. Don't touch yet
cron\modules\com_vtiger_workflow com_vtiger_workflow.php too complex. Don't touch yet
cron\modules\Import ScheduledImport.service too much code was remove. Don't touch yet
cron\modules\Import ScheduledImport.php too much code was remove. Don't touch yet
\cron\modules\Reports ScheduleReports.service match
\cron\modules\Reports ScheduleReports.php match
\cron\ AddressBook.php The folder seem to change from include to App. So I better copy/paste these App folder if I want to make the switch. I don't see where it was put though. Anyway it too complex.
\cron\ backup.service was remove. So keep it there
\cron\ Cache.php blank file. But maybe it populate later, so upload it
\cron\ HandlerUpdater.php new file. Upload it. This one might cause me an issue
\cron\ LabelUpdater.php too complex. Don't touch yet
\cron\ Mailer.php new file. Upload it
\cron\ MultiReference.php too complex. Don't touch yet. Could I wonder if I replace all these \App\db\Query back to PearDatabase it will work. These App\db\Query must be the MYSQLND table stuff???
\cron\ PrivilegesUpdater.php too complex. Don't touch yet. More \App\Db\Query stuff here
\cron\ schtasks.exe match
\cron\ SendReminder.php original file was .service, not it a .php. Should be fine to upload this and any reference to this .php will work. Same with MultiRef from the look of it.
\cron\ SendReminder.service v3.4
\cron\ vtigercron.bat match
\cron\ vtigercron.php Seem okay to do mix coding. But look like v3.4 already have these \App\ so it would make sense that if my server can read these \App folder in v3.4 it should be able to in v4.
\cron\ match
\include many files was removed in this folder. And v4.0 Complete is missing this Composer folder too. I remember someone with an Issue saying composer was missing. One of Yeti staff said composer is include in v4.0. Well that doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe the files get add later on. Or this v4 complete as been update and I'm using older version
\include\database PearDatabase.php So this is the database many of the coding referencing to. It seem like I can do a mixed code in this one. Could this be why I cannot log in? ';charset=utf8'
\include\database PearDatabase.php Mix coding in this probably going to crash my server. But it the weekend I can take the risk. And it did break. Lucky I hit the refresh before moving the next one.
\include\database PearDatabase.php Breaking Code: PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 5
\include\database PearDatabase.php It mess up with the Account Record view and the Contact association is. So don't mix code. Leave it alone
\include\events same as above. These new php file seem to just be rename. Just upload them
\include\events VTEntityDelta.php
\include\events VTEventCondition.php
\include\events VTEventConditionParserLexer.php
\include\events VTEventConditionParserParser.php
\include\events VTEventConditionSymbol.php
\include\events include.php added in v4
\include\events SqlResultIterator.php added in v5
\include\events VTBatchData.php added in v6
\include\events VTEntityData.php added in v7
\include\events VTEntityType.php added in v8
\include\events VTEventHandler.php added in v9
\include\events VTWSEntityType.php added in v10
\include\exceptions AppException.php match
\include\exceptions Csrf.php \app folder, leave it
\include\exceptions NoPermitted.php \app folder, leave it
\include\exceptions NoPermittedForAdmin.php \app folder, leave it
\include\exceptions NoPermittedToApi.php \app folder, leave it
\include\exceptions NoPermittedToRecord.php \app folder, leave it
\include\exceptions NotAllowedMethod.php match
\include\fields CurrencyField.php Most code seem okay until the bottom I saw this: $id = (new \App\Db\Query()). Guess I leave it alone. I don't use Currency Module very often so I won't be able to test.
\include\fields DateTimeField.php Seem like this file can be overwrite but I don't want to risk it. It seem like the Logs file just change how it is logged.
\include\fields DateTimeRange.php Added the next15days code in v3.4 as it shouldn't break the system (hopefully)
\include\fields Email.php removed in v4
\include\fields File.php removed in v4
\include\fields Owner.php removed in v4
\include\fields Picklist.php removed in v4
\include\fields RecordNumber.php removed in v4
\include\http Request.php massive changed in here. Not touching
\include\http Response.php \app folder, leave it
\include\http Session.php match
\include\ListView removed in v4
\include\main WebUI.php Blank page This look like an interesting file. I'm gonna replace it and see how much it will break. Blank page so didn't get very far. I start adding the "tag" blank page" maybe if I replace these blank page file from v3.4 to v4 it might work.
\include\runtime\cache Connector.php match
\include\runtime\cache Connectors.php match
\include\runtime\ BaseModel.php \app folder, leave it
\include\runtime\ Cache.php only removed code. Leave it
\include\runtime\ Controller.php Added this code to v3.4 it might break the system or an "logo not found" error log: $viewer->assign('COMPANY_LOGO', \App\Company::getInstanceById()->getLogo());
\include\runtime\ Controller.php Not sure what this is, but I added it too: if ($moduleName === 'Settings:Users')
\include\runtime\ Controller.php That logo code actually break the system. Could not made any changed to the Record view. Tab was gone.
\include\runtime\ EntryPoint.php match
\include\runtime\ Globals.php match
\include\runtime\ JavaScript.php minor code
\include\runtime\ LanguageHandler.php minor code
\include\runtime\ Layout.php match
\include\runtime\ Theme.php minor code
\include\runtime\ Viewer.php NOTE: to_html is being used as data-extraction depends on this
\include\runtime\ Viewer.php Does that mean I need to change this code and all these \App\Purifier will work (from exisitng code of to_html)
\include\runtime\ Viewer.php Added the Template coding from v4. and it break the system
\include\utils CommonUtils.php \app folder, leave it
\include\utils ConfigReader.php match
\include\utils DetailViewUtils.php match
\include\utils EmailTemplate.php Here they start referencing those .php files. I wonder if it will break. Can't really test email template as my Mail module not working. Leave it for now
\include\utils encryption.php removed in v4
\include\utils ExportUtils.php changing this going to break my system from the look of it
\include\utils GetGroupUsers.php match
\include\utils GetParentGroups.php match
\include\utils GetUserGroups.php too many code removed
\include\utils Icon.php removed in v4
\include\utils InventoryUtils.php too many code removed
\include\utils Json.php removed in v4
\include\utils ListViewUtils.php too many code removed
\include\utils RecurringType.php removed in v4
\include\utils SearchUtils.php match (blank file)
\include\utils UserInfoUtil.php too many code removed. Too complex. More App\ folder
\include\utils utils.php "Added these code: require_once 'modules/Users/Users.php';
require_once 'include/Webservices/Utils.php';"
\include\utils utils.php Was going to add the Event code but I don’t want risk it
\include\utils VTCacheUtils.php \app folder, leave it
\include\utils VtlibUtils.php too many code removed
\include\Webservices\Custom ChangePassword.php match
\include\Webservices\Custom DeleteUser.php only reference file is change
\include\Webservices\Custom VtigerCompanyDetails.php removed in v4
\include\Webservices AuthToken.php match
\include\Webservices ConvertLead.php \app folder, leave it
\include\Webservices Create.php match
\include\Webservices DataTransform.php code removed and changed
\include\Webservices Delete.php match
\include\Webservices DescribeObject.php match
\include\Webservices DescribeObjectPartial.php match
\include\Webservices EntityMeta.php minor code
\include\Webservices ExtendSession.php match
\include\Webservices GetUpdates.php add code: return 'Currently not supported';
\include\Webservices History.php minor code
\include\Webservices Login.php match
\include\Webservices Logout.php minor code
\include\Webservices ModuleTypes.php \app folder, leave it
\include\Webservices OperationManager.php \app folder, leave it
\include\Webservices PreserveGlobal.php match
\include\Webservices Query.php match
\include\Webservices QueryParser.php minor code
\include\Webservices QueryRelated.php minor code
\include\Webservices RelatedModuleMeta.php removed in v4
\include\Webservices RelatedTypes.php minor code
\include\Webservices Relation.php removed in v4
\include\Webservices Retrieve.php minor code
\include\Webservices RetrieveRelated.php match
\include\Webservices Revise.php match
\include\Webservices SessionManager.php minor code
\include\Webservices State.php minor code
\include\Webservices Update.php minor code
\include\Webservices Utils.php too complex. Don’t touch
\include\Webservices VtigerActorOperation.php match
\include\Webservices VtigerCRMActorMeta.php match
\include\Webservices VtigerCRMObject.php \app folder, leave it
\include\Webservices VtigerCRMObjectMeta.php \app folder, leave it. Code removed too
\include\Webservices VtigerModuleOperation.php \app folder, leave it. Code removed too
\include\Webservices VtigerWebserviceObject.php \app folder, leave it. Code removed too
\include\Webservices VTQL_Lexer.php minor code
\include\Webservices VTQL_Parser.php minor code
\include\Webservices WebserviceEntityOperation.php match
\include\Webservices WebServiceError.php minor code
\include\Webservices WebServiceErrorCode.php match
\include\Webservices WebserviceField.php \app folder, leave it. Code removed too
\include autoload.php moved to \vendor and minor code changed
\include ConfigUtils.php add mainkey code
\include CRMEntity.php too complex
\include CustomFieldUtil.php match (blank file)
\include deprecated.txt a note here that many of these field will be removed or move
\include Language.php removed in v4
\include Loader.php leave it alone since there isn't much coding and not worth server breaking
\include Modules.php removed in v4
\include Record.php removed in v4
\include RelatedListView.php removed in v4
\include RequirementsValidation.php match
\include SystemWarnings.php removed in v4
\include Tracker.php too many code removed
Same issue in V2.
@mariuszkrzaczkowski Why fresh install work correctly, but Update has display 500 error?
500 is apache error not YetiForce. You must check apache logs.
Found this info here: #4160
I'll try to see if this setting is something I can changed on my share hosting.
I was on version 3.4.273
I tried to upgrade 3 times and it failed, until I gathered hints and put them together.
Firstly opened config/version.php and changed only 'appVersion' => '3.4.273' to '3.4.0'
Secondly edited my .htaccess file and removed this condition
<IfModule fcgid_module.c>
FcgidIOTimeout 600
FcgidConnectTimeout 600
FcgidBusyTimeout 600
FcgidIdleTimeout 600
enable php_flag log_errors On then downloaded upgrade worked very well.
after installing 3.4.1427 i installed
And its working well for my side.
I along few other are having issue install v4.0. Based on my guess it due to the Server Requirement, in particularly the SQLAND and perhaps the limitation of Shared Hosting. My current host still have another 6 months left I don't want to move hosting yet and is stuck with v3.4 for the meantime.
This Issue is to discuss method of how to Manually Updating your v3.40.
Basically the idea is to copy/paste the v4.0 or the latest development version files to your v3.4 folder. Test it out and hopefully everything work. Use the process of elimination and trial and error to determine what can be change and what cannot be change.
I'll document this overtime as a I (hopefully) make a fake v4.0
Actual Behavior
Blank page or not functionally.
Expected Behavior
Using v3.40 as normal but with update patching.
How to trigger the error
Your Environment