Open NNNOTNERD opened 2 years ago
Dear Yang,
Sorry for the late reply.
nDoF is the number of Degree of Freedom for each element. In this case, we have 5 degrees of freedom at each node (displacement along x-axis, displacement along y-axis, displacement along z-axis, rotation about local x-axis and rotation about local y-axis [refer to page 90 of the Thesis for more details]). This result in the nDoF = nodes * 5.
neDOF = (9 5) ^ 2 is the number of element's Degree of Freedom, in this case, we have 9 nodes per element, that's where the 9 comes from. I wanted to make use of MATLAB's sparse matrix function, so I converted my Stiffness Matrix into a huge diagonal sparse matrix, this resulting in needing a Sparse matrix of n^2 of size (for example, if I want to store relationship values between 2 variables in a matrix that only store values along its diagonals, I would need a matrix of n ^ 2 rows and columns [to store values from a 2 2 matrix, which has 4 values, a 4 * 4 matrix is required]).
More information could be found in the my thesis I linked earlier. Please do let me know if there are specific things you are unclear about.
Regards, Yeuyo
Dear Yeuyo
Thanks for you great work on nonlinear FEA. But I can understand it vary well. For example: nDoF=nodes5;
What is the function of parameter neDoF?And many parameters,I can't understand it very well. So,Could you please give a more detailed manual about Program?
Thanks a lot.
Best regards yang