When placing the card in a view, the forecast chart follows the theme set by the user in the settings, instead of that applied to the view through the ui editor. As can be seen in the image, the text on other cards, as well as the header and attributes are white, as specified in the theme set by the view. However, the chart follows the system white theme (ie. corresponding to the header colors).
ha-card-background: steelblue
label-badge-red: teal
ha-label-badge-border: 0px solid teal
light-primary-color: red
dark-primary-color: '#0288d1'
text-light-primary-color: red
primary-text-color: red
secondary-text-color: red
text-primary-color: red
text-light-primary-color: red
disabled-text-color: red
I have so far tried using card mod, both in the view theme and in the card code itself, but haven't been able to get the css code for that right either.
When placing the card in a view, the forecast chart follows the theme set by the user in the settings, instead of that applied to the view through the ui editor. As can be seen in the image, the text on other cards, as well as the header and attributes are white, as specified in the theme set by the view. However, the chart follows the system white theme (ie. corresponding to the header colors).
The theme applied to the view page:
The theme applied system wide:
The yaml of the card:
I have so far tried using card mod, both in the view theme and in the card code itself, but haven't been able to get the css code for that right either.