Yevgenium / weather-chart-card

Custom weather card with charts
MIT License
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2023.9: forecast-related changes #130

Open ildar170975 opened 10 months ago

ildar170975 commented 10 months ago

2023.9 introduced changes related to forecast data. Seems that the card need to be updated to support these changes.

pimisen commented 9 months ago

@Yevgenium yes, if i understood correctly we now need to use the weather.get_forecast function: Link. As I am not a developer, I can't do the changes on my own and check them in :-(

slecram commented 9 months ago

@Yevgenium could you fix this issue as soon as possible, please?

slecram commented 8 months ago

@Yevgenium ?

pimisen commented 8 months ago

So sad, that this great thing obviously is dead :-(

override80 commented 8 months ago

You can refer to this to make it work again, as a workaround: