Yevgenium / weather-chart-card

Custom weather card with charts
MIT License
275 stars 81 forks source link

Czech translate, tip for icon download #77

Closed matata86 closed 2 years ago

matata86 commented 2 years ago

Hello, thank you for your weather card.

Can you add czech translate please? cs: { tempHi: 'Teplota', tempLo: 'Teplota v noci', precip: 'Srážky', uPress: 'hPa', uSpeed: 'm/s', uPrecip: ['mm', 'in'], cardinalDirections: [ 'N', 'N-NE', 'NE', 'E-NE', 'E', 'E-SE', 'SE', 'S-SE', 'S', 'S-SW', 'SW', 'W-SW', 'W', 'W-NW', 'NW', 'N-NW', 'N' ], 'clear-night': 'Jasná noc', 'cloudy': 'Zataženo', 'fog': 'Mlha', 'hail': 'Kroupy', 'lightning': 'Bouřky', 'lightning-rainy': 'Bouřky, déšť', 'partlycloudy': 'Polojasno', 'pouring': 'Silný déť', 'rainy': 'Déšť', 'snowy': 'Sníh', 'snowy-rainy': 'Sníh s deštěm', 'sunny': 'Jasno', 'windy': 'Větrno', 'windy-variant': 'Větrno' },

Do you have some tip, where download nice weather icons?

Yevgenium commented 2 years ago

I use static svg icons from Amcharts and from In the archive, the icons have already been renamed to match the names in the card.

Yevgenium commented 2 years ago

Can you add czech translate please?

Added in v1.1.0