YewYew / RPGItemRarity

Vintage Story mod that adds a rarity system akin to those in RPG games.
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Not really compatible with xskills -- Blasksmith skill completely being overwritten. #1

Open Diometus opened 1 year ago

Diometus commented 1 year ago

Whenever a person learns via xskills the Blacksmith skill, the rate of getting items that are above common drastically diminishes; however, whenever one does not have the skill, they get at what feels like a very significantly higher chance of getting items to roll greater than common. It's almost like it is not really compatible with xskills' Blacksmith skill. On top of this, when blasksmithing using the Blacksmith skill, the if the blacksmith crafted an item that has a higher quality with better durability, and then drops or uses the item, it is overwritten with RPG Item Rarity and rolls significantly lower stats and gravely lesser quality than what the blacksmith has crafted. Also posted this here: your forum post and here: your mod page

YewYew commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the issue post.

This is something I am aware of, and know of a way to fix. However, I currently lack the time to implement. I do plan on getting to it eventually.

When I added the existing "compatibility", I'll admit my knowledge about XSkills was lacking because I don't use it.

Currently, the compatibility is just where rarity is influenced by the quality. Thus, items XSkills doesn't give the 'quality' attribute are subjected to normal RPGItemRarity, and since RPGItemRarity currently takes precedent in stat modification it overrides XSkills using 'quality' as the 'rarity'.

The "fix" I have in mind (in the case anyone is curious or would like to do a pr themselves) would be the following:

Instead of having the 'quality' attribute be the 'rarity' attribute when it exists, it would generate 'rarity' normally. If it is lower then the 'quality', it would use the 'quality' instead. Then, ideally it would assign stats based on XSkills modifiers instead of those programmed in RPGItemRarity. It would use RPGItemRarity modifiers for anything XSkills doesn't change. This should solve any issues.

One issue with compatibility is XSkills source doesn't appear to be anywhere, so it is a smidgen more difficult then it should be, mostly about stuff concerning stat modifiers.

Diometus commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the issue post.

This is something I am aware of, and know of a way to fix. However, I currently lack the time to implement. I do plan on getting to it eventually.

When I added the existing "compatibility", I'll admit my knowledge about XSkills was lacking because I don't use it.

Currently, the compatibility is just where rarity is influenced by the quality. Thus, items XSkills doesn't give the 'quality' attribute are subjected to normal RPGItemRarity, and since RPGItemRarity currently takes precedent in stat modification it overrides XSkills using 'quality' as the 'rarity'.

The "fix" I have in mind (in the case anyone is curious or would like to do a pr themselves) would be the following:

Instead of having the 'quality' attribute be the 'rarity' attribute when it exists, it would generate 'rarity' normally. If it is lower then the 'quality', it would use the 'quality' instead. Then, ideally it would assign stats based on XSkills modifiers instead of those programmed in RPGItemRarity. It would use RPGItemRarity modifiers for anything XSkills doesn't change. This should solve any issues.

One issue with compatibility is XSkills source doesn't appear to be anywhere, so it is a smidgen more difficult then it should be, mostly about stuff concerning stat modifiers.

Well, if you can't seem to get in contact with xSkills mod author about that, there is always ILSpy that can be used to open the dll and see if the information is in the dll, right? It's not like your modifying or trying to change anything but understand their mod so you can make compatibility with it in your own so it shouldn't be a breech of anything since its an educational method of teaching oneself to understand a program better from a Computer Science perspective.

YewYew commented 1 year ago

Well, if you can't seem to get in contact with xSkills mod author about that, there is always ILSpy that can be used to open the dll and see if the information is in the dll, right? It's not like your modifying or trying to change anything but understand their mod so you can make compatibility with it in your own so it shouldn't be a breech of anything since its an educational method of teaching oneself to understand a program better from a Computer Science perspective.

I had the same thoughts. I'm going try contacting the mod author once I know exactly what information I need, then try dnspy/Ilspy if necessary. I have used it on VS mods before, and it works fine.

Vlammar commented 1 year ago

I have take a look at xskill and xlib, what I have found is that the part where the blacksmith level is used to increase the It's in BlockEntityAnvilPatch

        //IL_01c2: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references)
        //IL_01cc: Expected O, but got Unknown
        __state = new AnvilState(__instance);
        if (__state.recipe == null)
            return true;
        PlayerSkill playerSkill = null;
        float num = -1f;
        if (__state.metalworking == null || __state.workItemStack == null)
            return true;
        if (byPlayer == null)
            byPlayer = __instance.GetUsedByPlayer();
            object obj;
            if (byPlayer == null)
                obj = null;
                EntityPlayer entity = byPlayer.Entity;
                obj = ((entity == null) ? null : ((Entity)entity).GetBehavior<PlayerSkillSet>()?[__state.metalworking.Id]);
            playerSkill = (PlayerSkill)obj;
            if (playerSkill == null)
                return true;
            PlayerAbility playerAbility = playerSkill[__state.metalworking.MachineLearningId];
            if (playerAbility != null && playerAbility.Tier <= 0)
                return true;
        playerSkill = playerSkill ?? ((Entity)byPlayer.Entity).GetBehavior<PlayerSkillSet>()?[__state.metalworking.Id];
        PlayerAbility playerAbility2 = playerSkill?[__state.metalworking.FinishingTouchId];
        if (playerAbility2 == null)
            return true;
        if (playerAbility2.Tier > 0)
            num = __instance.FinishedProportion();
            if ((double)(Math.Min((float)playerAbility2.Value(0) + (float)playerAbility2.Value(1) * 0.1f, playerAbility2.Value(2)) * 0.01f * num * num) >= ((Entity)byPlayer.Entity).World.Rand.NextDouble())
                __state.splitCount += __instance.FinishRecipe();
                num = 1f;
        playerAbility2 = playerSkill[__state.metalworking.HeatingHitsId];
        if (playerAbility2 == null || __state.anvilItemStack == null)
            return true;
        float temperature = __state.workItemStack.Collectible.GetTemperature(((BlockEntity)__instance).Api.World, __state.workItemStack);
        float meltingPoint = __state.workItemStack.Collectible.GetMeltingPoint(((BlockEntity)__instance).Api.World, (ISlotProvider)null, (ItemSlot)new DummySlot(__state.anvilItemStack.GetBaseMaterial(__state.workItemStack)));
        temperature = ((!(meltingPoint > 0f)) ? (temperature + (float)playerAbility2.Value(0)) : Math.Min(temperature + (float)playerAbility2.Value(0), meltingPoint));
        __state.workItemStack.Collectible.SetTemperature(((BlockEntity)__instance).Api.World, __state.workItemStack, temperature, true);
        playerAbility2 = playerSkill[__state.metalworking.BlacksmithId];
        if (playerAbility2.Tier > 0 && (!__state.wasPlate || !(((RecipeBase<SmithingRecipe>)(object)__state.recipe).Output.ResolvedItemstack.Collectible is ItemMetalPlate)) && !(((RecipeBase<SmithingRecipe>)(object)__state.recipe).Output.ResolvedItemstack.Collectible is ItemIngot))
            float num2 = (float)playerAbility2.Value(0) * ((float)Math.Min(playerSkill.Level, 20) * 0.25f);
            num2 *= 0.5f;
            num2 = Math.Min(num2 + (float)((Entity)byPlayer.Entity).World.Rand.NextDouble() * num2, playerAbility2.Value(1));
            ((RecipeBase<SmithingRecipe>)(object)__state.recipe).Output.ResolvedItemstack.Attributes.SetFloat("quality", num2);
        if (num >= 1f || num < 0f || byPlayer == null)
            return true;
        return false;

This part is the interesting stuff

        if (playerAbility2.Tier > 0 && (!__state.wasPlate || !(((RecipeBase<SmithingRecipe>)(object)__state.recipe).Output.ResolvedItemstack.Collectible is ItemMetalPlate)) && !(((RecipeBase<SmithingRecipe>)(object)__state.recipe).Output.ResolvedItemstack.Collectible is ItemIngot))
            float num2 = (float)playerAbility2.Value(0) * ((float)Math.Min(playerSkill.Level, 20) * 0.25f);
            num2 *= 0.5f;
            num2 = Math.Min(num2 + (float)((Entity)byPlayer.Entity).World.Rand.NextDouble() * num2, playerAbility2.Value(1));
            ((RecipeBase<SmithingRecipe>)(object)__state.recipe).Output.ResolvedItemstack.Attributes.SetFloat("quality", num2);

From what I understand if the skill is >0 then we directly give the item. The behavior without the skill is different because (see below) it tries to give the item using the vintage story API

if (num > 0f)
                    val3.Attributes.SetFloat("quality", num);
                if (flag2 || !byPlayer.InventoryManager.TryGiveItemstack(val3, false))
                    ((BlockEntity)__instance).Api.World.SpawnItemEntity(val3, ((BlockEntity)__instance).Pos.ToVec3d().Add(0.5, 1.5, 0.5), (Vec3d)null);