Yggdroot / LeaderF

An efficient fuzzy finder that helps to locate files, buffers, mrus, gtags, etc. on the fly for both vim and neovim.
Apache License 2.0
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Leaderf line is slow to open (3-5 seconds) #1069

Closed eyalk11 closed 3 months ago

eyalk11 commented 3 months ago

NVIM v0.10.0-dev-3122+ga0a189a8e
Build type: RelWithDebInfo
LuaJIT 2.1.1713484068
Run ":verbose version" for more info
3.9.6 (tags/v3.9.6:db3ff76, Jun 28 2021, 15:26:21) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
3.9.6 (tags/v3.9.6:db3ff76, Jun 28 2021, 15:26:21) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]

command LeaderfDisablePreview let g:Lf_PreviewResult = { \ 'File': 0, \ 'Buffer': 0, \ 'Mru': 0, \ 'Tag': 0, \ 'BufTag': 0, \ 'Function': 0, \ 'Line': 0, \ 'Colorscheme': 0, \ 'Rg' : 0 }

let g:Lf_DevIconsFont = "DroidSansMono Nerd Font Mono"

set ambiwidth=double let g:Lf_PreviewResult = { \ 'File': 0, \ 'Buffer': 1, \ 'Mru': 0, \ 'Tag': 0, \ 'BufTag': 1, \ 'Function': 1, \ 'Line': 1, \ 'Colorscheme': 0, \ 'Rg' : 1 } let g:Lf_PopupPreviewPosition='top' "When you go to normal mode , doing I inserts the line "call win_execute(%d, "exec 'norm! %yy'")""" % (self._preview_winid, line_nr)) "\'Line':[['I','"zyy:exec g:Lf_py "lineExplManager.quit()""zp']],

" \'Line':[['I','exec g:Lf_py "call win_execute(%d, "exec ''norm! "zyy''")" % (lineExplManager._preview_winid):exec g:Lf_py "lineExplManager.quit()""zp']] let g:Lf_NormalMap ={ \ 'Line':[['I','"zyt[:exec g:Lf_py "lineExplManager.quit()""zp']], \ 'File':[['I','"zyy:exec g:Lf_py "lineExplManager.quit()""zp']], \ 'History' :[['I','"zyy:exec g:Lf_py "lineExplManager.quit()""zp']] }

let g:Lf_StlSeparator = { 'left': '', 'right': '' }

let g:Lf_StlColorscheme = 'powerline' "Make c-h , c-l a valid option in leaderf let g:Lf_CommandMap = {'':[''], '':[''], '': ['',''], '': ['','']}

let g:Lf_MruMaxFiles=100000 let g:Lf_ShowHidden = 1 let g:Lf_MaxCount = 0 let g:Lf_PreviewInPopup =0

let g:Lf_PopupHeight =0.5 let g:Lf_PopupWidth =0.9 let g:Lf_WindowPosition = 'popup'

""ideally would be called each time let g:Lf_PopupPosition=[max([float2nr(&lines * 0.4),10]),1] let g:Lf_CacheDirectory = "c:\users\ekarni\.vim\lcache" let g:Lf_IndexTimeLimit =7 let g:Lf_RgConfig = [ "--max-columns=150"] let g:Lf_WorkingDirectoryMode = 'c'

### Describe your question, feature request, or bug.

Very slow to start and takes around 3 secs until appears. 

I did some profiling both in python and in neovim (see attached) 

10 1.566076 provider#python3#Call() 1 1.561781 0.000023 leaderf#Any#start() 1 1.561758 1.504095 leaderf#LfPy()

FUNCTION provider#python3#Call() Defined: ~\nvim-lasttempxx\nvim-temp\share\nvim\runtime\autoload\provider\python3.vim:26 Called 12 times Total time: 1.783535 Self time: 1.783535

count total (s) self (s) 12 0.000052 if s:err != '' return 12 0.000009 endif 12 0.000047 if !exists('s:host') let s:rpcrequest = function('rpcrequest')

                            " Ensure that we can load the Python3 host before bootstrapping
                              let s:host = remote#host#Require('legacy-python3-provider')
                              let s:err = v:exception
                              echohl WarningMsg
                              echomsg v:exception
                              echohl None

12 0.000006 endif 12 0.326054 return call(s:rpcrequest, insert(insert(a:args, 'python_'.a:method), s:host))


I did the profiling on slightly different version (on key mapping only)  , but checked it on the last one (from today). 

e67d7b5286932823b8ba925151402a231ba3b0e6 (last commit I have , 17 days ago ) 

### Steps to reproduce

IDK, I tried with leaderf as only plugin and it did OK (didn't happen)_

I tried just disabling all au and it was slow. 
I tried disabling popup and it was slow. 
Tried closing all other buffers.

nmap , Leaderf line

This is my mapping^

For debug 

nmap , call Lff() function! Lff() py3 << EOF import cProfile import pstats profiler = cProfile.Profile() profiler.enable() anyHub.start('line') profiler.disable() stats = pstats.Stats(profiler).sort_stats('cumulative') stats.dump_stats('output.pstats') EOF endfunction

### Actual behaviour

### Expected behaviour
eyalk11 commented 3 months ago


That is python pstat file. IIRC the wait time is mainly when waiting for vim. RPC

eyalk11 commented 3 months ago

Apparently, it is reasonable after I removed some mappings. The nowait had limited effected for some reason. Still takes around 1.5 sec

Yggdroot commented 3 months ago

What about using :Leaderf line directly?

eyalk11 commented 3 months ago

It should be probably 1.5 sec as well. Now it seems fine. I just have to open bug sometimes for something to be solved.