YichenGong / Densely-Interactive-Inference-Network

Cleaned code for paper "Natural Language Inference over Interaction Space"
Apache License 2.0
250 stars 57 forks source link

No multinli_0.9_test_matched_unlabeled.jsonl #6

Closed chengchingwen closed 6 years ago

chengchingwen commented 6 years ago

just about the readme section, the result tree data should be

├── download.py
├── embeddings
│   └── mnli_emb_snli_embedding.pkl.gz
├── glove.840B.300d.txt
├── glove.840B.300d.zip
├── __MACOSX
│   ├── multinli_0.9
│   └── snli_1.0
├── multinli_0.9
│   ├── Icon\015
│   ├── multinli_0.9_dev_matched.jsonl
│   ├── multinli_0.9_dev_matched.txt
│   ├── multinli_0.9_dev_mismatched.jsonl
│   ├── multinli_0.9_dev_mismatched.txt
│   ├── multinli_0.9_test_matched_unlabeled.jsonl
│   ├── multinli_0.9_test_mismatched_unlabeled.jsonl
│   ├── multinli_0.9_train.jsonl
│   ├── multinli_0.9_train.txt
│   └── paper.pdf
├── multinli_0.9.zip
├── shared.json
├── shared.jsonl
├── snli_1.0
│   ├── Icon\015
│   ├── README.txt
│   ├── snli_1.0_dev.jsonl
│   ├── snli_1.0_dev.txt
│   ├── snli_1.0_test.jsonl
│   ├── snli_1.0_test.txt
│   ├── snli_1.0_train.jsonl
│   └── snli_1.0_train.txt
└── snli_1.0.zip

6 directories, 26 files

There should be a multinli_0.9_test_matched_unlabeled.jsonl and multinli_0.9_test_mismatched_unlabeled.jsonl file to run the entire code. And also ref to #5 , there should be a shared.jsonl file.

YichenGong commented 6 years ago

Thank you. It is fixed. You can obtain all required data with download.py file now.

guotong1988 commented 5 years ago

Same question, thank you.