Yikai-Liao / symusic

A cross platform note level midi decoding library with lightening speed, based on minimidi.
MIT License
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SoA (Struct of Array) Interface Selection #18

Closed Yikai-Liao closed 5 months ago

Yikai-Liao commented 5 months ago

SoA support would be an important feature for symusic, since it is more suitable for AI applications than the current AoS (Array of Struct) interface.

SoA interface could enable lots of flexible conversion, resampling, quantization and other operations. #10 These functions take full advantage of numpy's eco (like numba), and could be very fast.

It's also important that we don't need to introduce more time_unit types (like beat) in symusic, which would make the general purpose code in c++ part more and more complex.

However, the interface for SoA is still to be determined. I'd like to hear your advice @Natooz @ilya16 . And of course, other design options are welcome!

Here, I will list some possible options I could think of.

Option 1: Dict of Numpy Array

In this case, we won't introduce new classes in symusic, but only use dict and numpy.ndarray.

from symusic import Score, Note, ControlChange
s = Score(...)

# get the soa of controls
# because "controls" is not a python list, but a c++ vector
# we could bind a .numpy() method for it
controls_arr: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = s.controls.numpy()
notes_arr: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = s.tracks[0].notes.numpy()

# create traditional AoS from numpy array
# Here, we could utilize the existing factory class for events like notes 
s.controls = ControlChange.from_numpy(controls_arr['time'], controls_arr['number'], controls_arr['value'])
s.tracks[0].notes = Note.from_numpy(notes_arr['time'], notes_arr['duration'], notes_arr['pitch'], notes_arr['velocity'])
# or we could use ** to shorten this
s.controls = ControlChange.from_numpy(**controls_arr)
s.tracks[0].notes = Note.from_numpy(**notes_arr)

Option 2: New SoA Classes in C++

In this case, we will define new classes for SoA, and use them in symusic. It seems more object-oriented.

The problem is, they will be defined 3 times, because of time unit. (The same reason for NoteTick, NoteQuarter and NoteSecond) We will define a Union for them in symusic.types

from symusic import Score
import symusic.types as smt

# get the soa of controls and notes
controls_arr: smt.ControlChangeArr = s.controls.numpy()
notes_arr: smt.NoteArr = s.tracks[0].notes.numpy()

# convert them back to AoS
s.controls = controls_arr.list()
s.tracks[0].notes = notes_arr.list()

Also, although we have switched to nanobind, which get a much smaller overhead on accessing class attributes, the overhead is still there. Note that those overhead are almost constant, so it's not a problem for those "ms level" functions.

So if not necessary, I would not recommend create new class in c++. (Well, this overhead should be considered more in AoS part, not the SoA part)

Here is a benchmark for those tiny operations.

lib Create a Note Access Note.pitch Note.pitch += & -=
python dict 66 ns 17 ns 69.9 ns
miditoolkit 162 ns 15.2 ns 48.1 ns
NamedTuple 175 ns 17.4 ns tuple is const
symusic[nanobind] 251 ns 27.8 ns 110 ns
symusic[pybind11] 791 ns 238 ns 1070 ns
nb.jitclass in py 5.6 µs 37.8 ns 656 ns

Option 3: New SoA Classes in Python

In this case, we define the new class in python. It is more flexible, python native (no overhead).

But, these class can't be called in c++ (At least I don't know how to achieve this now. Maybe it's possible). So, we won't get the .numpy() function here.

from symusic import Score, NoteArr, ControlChangeArr

controls_arr = ControlChangeArr(s.controls)
notes_arr = NoteArr(s.tracks[0].notes)

# convert them back to AoS
s.controls = controls_arr.list()
s.tracks[0].notes = notes_arr.list()
lzqlzzq commented 5 months ago

Option 1 seems reasonable to me, for both simplicity and performance.

Natooz commented 5 months ago

I agree that option 1 seems the most simple, versatile and low maintenance.

Yikai-Liao commented 5 months ago

We finally choose option 1 in v0.3.0. #19