Yikai-Liao / symusic

A swift and unified toolkit for symbolic music processing
MIT License
123 stars 8 forks source link

安装时报错,报错信息如下 #51

Open sunbeibei-hub opened 3 weeks ago

sunbeibei-hub commented 3 weeks ago

系统版本: centos7

报错信息如下: Using cached pySmartDL-1.3.4-py3-none-any.whl (20 kB) Building wheels for collected packages: symusic Building wheel for symusic (pyproject.toml): started Building wheel for symusic (pyproject.toml): finished with status 'error' error: subprocess-exited-with-error

× Building wheel for symusic (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [12 lines of output] WARNING: Use cmake.version instead of cmake.minimum-version with scikit-build-core >= 0.8 WARNING: Use ninja.version instead of ninja.minimum-version with scikit-build-core >= 0.8 2024-08-24 17:43:46,959 - scikit_build_core - WARNING - cmake should not be in build-system.requires - scikit-build-core will inject it as needed 2024-08-24 17:43:46,959 - scikit_build_core - WARNING - ninja should not be in build-system.requires - scikit-build-core will inject it as needed scikit-build-core 0.10.5 using CMake 3.30.2 (wheel) Configuring CMake... loading initial cache file /tmp/tmphyhgu4qb/build/CMakeInit.txt -- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.3.1 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.3.1 src/tcmalloc.cc:284] Attempt to free invalid pointer 0x3bfc040

  *** CMake configuration failed
  [end of output]

note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip. ERROR: Failed building wheel for symusic Failed to build symusic ERROR: ERROR: Failed to build installable wheels for some pyproject.toml based projects (symusic) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/data/search/bei/ComfyUI/nodes.py", line 1993, in load_custom_node module_spec.loader.exec_module(module) File "", line 883, in exec_module File "", line 241, in _call_with_frames_removed File "/data/search/bei/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI_VLM_nodes/init.py", line 40, in check_requirements_installed(requirements_path) File "/data/search/bei/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI_VLM_nodes/init.py", line 35, in check_requirements_installed subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-s', '-m', 'pip', 'install', *missing_packages]) File "/home/search/miniconda3/envs/bei_stab_d/lib/python3.10/subprocess.py", line 369, in check_call raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/data/search/bei/SD/stable-diffusion-webui/venv/bin/python', '-s', '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'symusic']' returned non-zero exit status 1.


python env环境: absl-py==2.0.0 accelerate==0.33.0 addict==2.4.0 aenum==3.1.15 aggdraw==1.3.18.post0 aiofiles==23.2.1 aiohttp==3.9.1 aiosignal==1.3.1 albumentations==1.3.1 aliyun-python-sdk-alimt==3.2.0 aliyun-python-sdk-core==2.13.10 aliyunsdkcore==1.0.3 altair==5.2.0 antlr4-python3-runtime==4.9.3 anyio==3.7.1 argostranslate==1.9.6 asttokens==2.4.1 async-timeout==4.0.3 asyncer==0.0.2 attrs==23.1.0 audioread==3.0.1 av==11.0.0 basicsr==1.4.2 beautifulsoup4==4.12.2 bidict==0.22.1 blend-modes==2.1.0 blendmodes==2022 blind-watermark==0.4.4 blinker==1.8.2 boto3==1.34.7 botocore==1.34.7 cachetools==5.3.2 certifi==2023.11.17 cffi==1.16.0 chardet==5.2.0 charset-normalizer==3.3.2 clean-fid==0.1.35 click==8.1.7 clip==1.0 clip-interrogator==0.6.0 cmake==3.30.2 color-matcher==0.5.0 coloredlogs==15.0.1 colorlog==6.8.0 colour-science==0.4.4 compel==2.0.2 contourpy==1.2.0 cryptography==41.0.7 cssselect2==0.7.0 cstr @ git+https://github.com/WASasquatch/cstr@0520c29a18a7a869a6e5983861d6f7a4c86f8e9b ctranslate2==4.3.1 cupy-cuda12x==12.1.0 cycler==0.12.1 Cython==3.0.8 datasets==2.20.0 ddt==1.7.0 decorator==4.0.11 decord==0.6.0 deep-translator==1.11.4 deepdiff==6.7.1 deprecation==2.1.0 depth_anything @ https://github.com/huchenlei/Depth-Anything/releases/download/v1.0.0/depth_anything-2024.1.22.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl#sha256=26c1d38b8c3c306b4a2197d725a4b989ff65f7ebcf4fb5a96a1b6db7fbd56780diffusers==0.29.2 dill==0.3.7 diskcache==5.6.3 distro==1.9.0 docopt @ file:///data/search/bei/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI_LayerStyle/whl/docopt-0.6.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl#sha256=15fde8252aa9f2804171014d50d069ffbf42c7a50b7d74bcbb82bfd5700fcfc2 docutils==0.20.1 easydict==1.11 einops==0.8.0 evalidate==2.0.3 exceptiongroup==1.2.0 executing==2.0.1 facexlib==0.3.0 fairscale==0.4.13 fastapi==0.94.0 fastrlock==0.8.2 ffmpeg-python==0.2.0 ffmpy @ git+https://github.com/WASasquatch/ffmpy.git@f000737698b387ffaeab7cd871b0e9185811230d filelock==3.13.1 filetype==1.2.0 filterpy==1.4.5 flatbuffers==23.5.26 fonttools==4.47.0 frozenlist==1.4.1 fsspec==2023.12.2 ftfy==6.1.3 future==0.18.3 fvcore==0.1.5.post20221221 gdown==4.7.1 gfpgan==1.3.8 gitdb==4.0.11 GitPython==3.1.32 google-ai-generativelanguage==0.6.6 google-api-core==2.19.1 google-api-python-client==2.142.0 google-auth==2.25.2 google-auth-httplib2==0.2.0 google-auth-oauthlib==1.2.0 google-generativeai==0.7.2 googleapis-common-protos==1.63.2 googletrans-py==4.0.0 gradio==3.41.2 gradio_client==0.5.0 gray2color==0.4.3 grpcio==1.66.0 grpcio-status==1.62.3 h11==0.12.0 h2==4.1.0 handrefinerportable @ https://github.com/huchenlei/HandRefinerPortable/releases/download/v1.0.1/handrefinerportable-2024.2.12.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl#sha256=1e6c702905919f4c49bcb2db7b20d334e8458a7555cd57630600584ec38ca6a9 hpack==4.0.0 httpcore==0.15.0 httplib2==0.22.0 httpx==0.24.1 huggingface-hub==0.23.3 humanfriendly==10.0 hyperframe==6.0.1 idna==3.6 image-reward==1.5 ImageHash==4.3.1 imageio==2.34.2 imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.9 img2texture @ git+https://github.com/WASasquatch/img2texture.git@a546609a915caf1dcb84a15bf44b5b639ad924e6 importlib-metadata==7.0.0 importlib-resources==6.1.1 inflection==0.5.1 insightface==0.7.3 iopath==0.1.9 ipython==8.19.0 jax==0.4.30 jaxlib==0.4.30 jedi==0.19.1 Jinja2==3.1.2 jmespath==0.10.0 joblib==1.3.2 json_repair==0.28.3 jsonmerge==1.8.0 jsonschema==4.20.0 jsonschema-specifications==2023.11.2 kiwisolver==1.4.5 kornia==0.7.3 kornia_rs==0.1.2 lark==1.1.2 lark-parser==0.12.0 lazy_loader==0.3 librosa==0.10.1 lightning-utilities==0.10.0 lit==17.0.6 llvmlite==0.41.1 lmdb==1.4.1 loguru==0.7.2 lpips==0.1.4 lxml==4.9.4 mapbox-earcut==1.0.1 Markdown==3.5.1 markdown-it-py==3.0.0 MarkupSafe==2.1.3 matplotlib==3.8.2 matplotlib-inline==0.1.6 matrix-client==0.4.0 mdurl==0.1.2 mediapipe==0.10.13 ml-dtypes==0.4.0 moviepy==1.0.3 mpmath==1.3.0 msgpack==1.0.7 mss==9.0.1 multidict==6.0.4 multiprocess==0.70.15 natsort==8.4.0 networkx==3.2.1 numba==0.58.1 numexpr==2.8.8 numpy==1.23.5 nvidia-cublas-cu12== nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12==12.1.105 nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12==12.1.105 nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12==12.1.105 nvidia-cudnn-cu12== nvidia-cufft-cu12== nvidia-curand-cu12== nvidia-cusolver-cu12== nvidia-cusparse-cu12== nvidia-nccl-cu12==2.20.5 nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12==12.4.99 nvidia-nvtx-cu12==12.1.105 oauthlib==3.2.2 omegaconf==2.2.3 onnx==1.15.0 onnxruntime==1.16.3 onnxruntime-gpu==1.16.3 open-clip-torch==2.20.0 openai==1.6.1 openai-clip==1.0.1

Yikai-Liao commented 3 weeks ago

You need newer gcc(>=12) or clang(>=14), see https://github.com/Natooz/MidiTok/issues/155#issuecomment-2027122797

The libstdc++ and kernel is too old in CentOS, and the precompiled verison (by github action) could not support it. So pypi will compile symusic from sourece. I have test the compilation on Rocky Linux (similar to CentOS), and it works fine with the clang installed in conda.

请使用新版本的gcc(>=12)或者clang(>=14),详见 https://github.com/Natooz/MidiTok/issues/155#issuecomment-2027122797 CentOS的libstdc++和内核版本太老了,导致其无法安装再github action中预编译的安装包。所以pypi会自动使用源代码编译。我已经再一台Rocky Linux (类似于CentOS) 的服务器上测试过 symusic的编译,在使用conda中安装的clang的情况下可以正常安装。

sunbeibei-hub commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you, I'm going to try it!

You need newer gcc(>=12) or clang(>=14), see Natooz/MidiTok#155 (comment)

The libstdc++ and kernel is too old in CentOS, and the precompiled verison (by github action) could not support it. So pypi will compile symusic from sourece. I have test the compilation on Rocky Linux (similar to CentOS), and it works fine with the clang installed in conda.

请使用新版本的gcc(>=12)或者clang(>=14),详见 Natooz/MidiTok#155 (comment) CentOS的libstdc++和内核版本太老了,导致其无法安装再github action中预编译的安装包。所以pypi会自动使用源代码编译。我已经再一台Rocky Linux (类似于CentOS) 的服务器上测试过 symusic的编译,在使用conda中安装的clang的情况下可以正常安装。

sunbeibei-hub commented 2 weeks ago

You need newer gcc(>=12) or clang(>=14), see Natooz/MidiTok#155 (comment)

The libstdc++ and kernel is too old in CentOS, and the precompiled verison (by github action) could not support it. So pypi will compile symusic from sourece. I have test the compilation on Rocky Linux (similar to CentOS), and it works fine with the clang installed in conda.

请使用新版本的gcc(>=12)或者clang(>=14),详见 Natooz/MidiTok#155 (comment) CentOS的libstdc++和内核版本太老了,导致其无法安装再github action中预编译的安装包。所以pypi会自动使用源代码编译。我已经再一台Rocky Linux (类似于CentOS) 的服务器上测试过 symusic的编译,在使用conda中安装的clang的情况下可以正常安装。

我更新了gcc版本到12.2 , clang版本到17.0,但是安装时依然会报错

报错信息: Building wheels for collected packages: symusic Building wheel for symusic (pyproject.toml) ... error error: subprocess-exited-with-error

× Building wheel for symusic (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [12 lines of output] WARNING: Use cmake.version instead of cmake.minimum-version with scikit-build-core >= 0.8 WARNING: Use ninja.version instead of ninja.minimum-version with scikit-build-core >= 0.8 2024-08-30 16:43:46,711 - scikit_build_core - WARNING - cmake should not be in build-system.requires - scikit-build-core will inject it as needed 2024-08-30 16:43:46,711 - scikit_build_core - WARNING - ninja should not be in build-system.requires - scikit-build-core will inject it as needed scikit-build-core 0.10.5 using CMake 3.30.2 (wheel) Configuring CMake... loading initial cache file /tmp/tmp26quohiz/build/CMakeInit.txt -- The C compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0 src/tcmalloc.cc:284] Attempt to free invalid pointer 0x3070040

  *** CMake configuration failed
  [end of output]

note: This error originates from a subprocess, and is likely not a problem with pip. ERROR: Failed building wheel for symusic Failed to build symusic ERROR: ERROR: Failed to build installable wheels for some pyproject.toml based projects (symusic)

我的clang版本: pip show clang WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -ltralytics (/data/search/bei/SD/stable-diffusion-webui/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages) WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -rotobuf (/data/search/bei/SD/stable-diffusion-webui/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages) Name: clang Version: 17.0.6 Summary: libclang python bindings Home-page: http://clang.llvm.org/ Author: LLVM team - pypi upload by Loic Jaquemet Author-email: License: Apache-2.0 with LLVM exception Location: /data/search/bei/SD/stable-diffusion-webui/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages Requires: Required-by:

lzqlzzq commented 2 weeks ago

This seems to be a problem with stable-diffusion, not symusic... You can try solution of https://github.com/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion/issues/2343#issuecomment-1642699339.

sunbeibei-hub commented 2 weeks ago

This seems to be a problem with stable-diffusion, not symusic... You can try solution of TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion#2343 (comment).

thank you ,i will try it

Yikai-Liao commented 2 weeks ago

By the way, you are using gcc12, not clang.

-- The C compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0

sunbeibei-hub commented 2 weeks ago

By the way, you are using gcc12, not clang.

-- The C compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0

is this why i get error??

sunbeibei-hub commented 2 weeks ago

i can run it

Yikai-Liao commented 2 weeks ago

is this why i get error?

I don't know. Just to remind you that you are not using clang while you report detailed information of your clang version.