YimMenu / Translations

YimMenu translations can be found here.
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[SUGGESTION] Contextual Translations #49

Open rtkpX opened 1 year ago

rtkpX commented 1 year ago

I've been trying to translate the Menu to Spanish, but I'm struggling, not because I can't speak English nor Spanish, but because there are words that don't have a translation to Spanish, or that the English word itself can have several translations to Spanish.

The translation file isn't contextual or "drop-down" like the menu, basically meaning that you don't translate the "Self" TAB then the "Weapons" TAB, etc. You translate by alphabetical order, meaning if you don't know the context of a word or phrase, you can't go and look it up on the cheat itself, since you won't know where it is. A good way for translating the menu would be:

Instead of:

{ "ADD": "Añadir", "ADVERTISE_YIMMENU": "Publicitar YimMenu", "ADVERTISE_YIMMENU_DESC": "Publicita YimMenu reemplazando los nombres de otros jugadores con variantes de 'YimMenu'. No podrás personalizar el nombre con esta opción activada.", "ALL": "Todos", "ALL_PLAYERS": "Todos los Jugadores", "AMMO": "Munición",

It should be:

{ "SELF": "Yo", "SUICIDE": "Suicidarse", "HEAL": "Curarse", "FILL_INVENTORY": "Rellenar inventario", "SKIP_CUTSCENE": "Saltar cinemática", "CLEAN_PLAYER": "Limpiar personaje",

This way, we'd be able to translate the same word (in English) to different words (in Other Languages) deppending on the context. Example below:

((FICTIONARY EXAMPLE)) Also, for example, words like "Heal", in Spanish, aren't the same for healing oneself and healing others, so, for most translations, alphabetically translating the menu just won't work.


((ACTUAL EXAMPLE)) The word "ASCENDING" could be translated to "ASCENDENTE" or "ASCENDIENDO" depending if it's a verb or not. And since the translation file is ordered alphabetically and not contextually, there's no way to know where that "ASCENDING" is in the menu and what it refers to.

Edit: Apparently the translation file doesn't actually need to be alphabetically ordered to work right now, also, anything that's not existant on the translation file can be translated too by just using the name, for example, there's no "DISABLE_PHONE", so you just add "Disable Phone": "Translation Here", to the file in any line and it will work just fine, so I guess if I'm bored enough I'll do the contextual translation thing (kinda) myself ((kinda because I can't translate the same word to different ones for different uses)).

DayibBaba commented 9 months ago

There are definitely cases where translations don't match the context. Rather sound linguistical analysis, one which I very much agree with.