YimMenu / yimmenu.github.io

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[fork]: #29

Closed yahyafathallahh closed 4 months ago

yahyafathallahh commented 4 months ago



Short description


:: Set environment variables set "scriptFolder=%~dp0" set "updateScriptUrl=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Deadlineem/Extras-Addon-for-YimMenu/main/update.bat"

:: Check for updates echo Checking Repository for updates to update.bat... powershell -command "& { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '%updateScriptUrl%' -OutFile '%scriptFolder%update.bat.new' }"

:: Compare the current script with the updated version fc "%scriptFolder%update.bat.new" "%scriptFolder%update.bat" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo Update found! Updating script... move /y "%scriptFolder%update.bat.new" "%scriptFolder%update.bat" >nul echo Script updated successfully! echo "Returning to the main menu in 5 seconds." timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul ) else ( echo No updates found. del "%scriptFolder%update.bat.new" >nul echo "Returning to the main menu in 5 seconds." timeout /t 5 /nobreak >nul ) :: Continue with the main script goto menu

:menu echo " __ __ __ __ __ __ __ " echo " // // // // // // /_/ " echo " " echo " " echo " ___ " echo " _ / __/ |__ __ " echo " | )_\ \/ /\ _\ __ \ / _/ " echo " | > < | | | | \// _ _\ \ " echo " /___ //_ \ || || (__ /_ > " echo " \/ \/ \/ \/ " echo " ____ ._ . " echo " / \ | _/| / " echo " / /\ \ / |/ |/ \ / \ " echo " / | \/ // / // ( <> ) | \ " echo " _| /__ __ |____/|| / " echo " \/ \/ \/ \/ " echo " " echo " Extras Addon for YimMenu " echo " Addon Version: 1.0.3 " echo " https://github.com/Deadlineem/Extras-Addon-for-YimMenu " echo " http://extrasaddon.us.to/ " echo " __ __ __ __ __ __ __ " echo " // // // // // // /_____/ "

:: Set environment variables for source and destination paths set "destinationFolder=%APPDATA%\YimMenu\scripts" set "destinationFolder2=%USERPROFILE%\Downloads" set "destinationFolder3=%USERPROFILE%\Downloads" if not exist "%destinationFolder2%" ( set "destinationFolder2=%USERPROFILE%\OneDrive\Desktop" ) :: If Downloads folder does not exist default to onedrive desktop if not exist "%destinationFolder3%" ( set "destinationFolder3=%USERPROFILE%\OneDrive\Desktop" ) :: If Onedrive destination does not exist, default to normal Desktop if not exist "%destinationFolder2%" ( set "destinationFolder2=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop" ) if not exist "%destinationFolder3%" ( set "destinationFolder3=%USERPROFILE%\Desktop" ) echo ------------------------------------------------------------------ echo This app is for easily Downloading/Updating Yim/Extras Addon echo and tools you may want/need for YimMenu itself. echo ------------------------------------------------------------------ echo ------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Main Menu echo ------------------------------------------------------------------ echo Choose an option: echo 1. Download Extras Addon (To YimMenu\scripts) echo 2. Download YimMenu (To Downloads or Desktop) echo 3. Download FateInjector (To Downloads or Desktop) echo 4. Delete YimMenu Cache Folder (Quick fix when GTA updates) echo 5. Optional Downloads echo 6. How to install/use YimMenu echo 7. Exit the application echo ------------------------------------------------------------------ echo If your downloads folder is not in the proper location on your echo harddrive, the downloads will default to your desktop, instead.

choice /c 1234567 /n if errorlevel 7 goto goodbye if errorlevel 6 goto instructions if errorlevel 5 goto optional_downloads if errorlevel 4 goto delete_cache_folder if errorlevel 3 goto download_fate_injector if errorlevel 2 goto download_yimmenu if errorlevel 1 goto check_yimmenu

:check_yimmenu set /p yn=Have you downloaded/used YimMenu before? (Y/N)

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