YinLiLin / CMplot

📊 Circular and Rectangular Manhattan Plot
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Modify Y axis labels in circular Manhattan plot, and display all signal.lines above highest threshold #102

Open fmazzarotto opened 10 months ago

fmazzarotto commented 10 months ago

Cir_Manhtn test_r0 5_H2_cex0 35_thres Dear Lilin, thanks a lot (and congratulations) for developing such a useful package. I have 2 quick questions related to the plot above:

The code that I used is the following:

CMplot(sumstats_clean,plot.type="c",r=0.5,H=2,cex=0.35,threshold=c(5E-8,5E-6),threshold.col=c("red","darkorange3"),amplify=F,highlight=c("rs73125698","rs637963","rs59515125","rs1406447","rs11983675","rs12606558","rs12954992","rs7069590","rs1789250","rs11250166","rs12495100","rs7118149","rs7948935","rs9588277","rs12586818","rs7087272"),outward=T,cir.chr.h=0.15,file="jpg",dpi=300,chr.labels=seq(1,22),file.name = "test_r0.5_H2_cex0.35_thres")

Thanks very much Best regards

YinLiLin commented 10 months ago

Dear @fmazzarotto ,

Thank you for using CMplot. Please try the latest version on GitHub (source the online script in R), the parameter "axis.cex" can work on the size of labels, and sorry that the positions are fixed, it's not available to adjust the position of labels for users. Regarding the gray signal lines, CMplot only draws the lines for the points which exceed the smallest threshold, thus if you would like to highlight all the signals, just use one threshold (5E-6) instead.

Best, Lilin