YinLiLin / CMplot

📊 Circular and Rectangular Manhattan Plot
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The 'cex' value is incorrect #110

Open Cheng7Cloud opened 8 months ago

Cheng7Cloud commented 8 months ago

The result of my run is this error: Error in (function (s, units = "user", cex = NULL, font = NULL, vfont = NULL, : 'cex'值不对. And this is my code: CMplot(testo3, plot.type="m",multraits=TRUE,threshold=5e-8,threshold.lty=c(1), col=c("#4297d7","#d77fb9"), chr.den.col=c("darkgreen", "yellow", "red"), signal.cex=1.5, file="jpg",file.name="",dpi=300,file.output=TRUE,verbose=TRUE, legend.ncol=1, legend.pos="left") I would appreciate it very much if I could find a solution.

YinLiLin commented 8 months ago

Thank you for the feedback. I have fixed the bug you encountered, please source the online version in R console and have a try. The version on CRAN will be available to public in coming days.