YinLiLin / CMplot

📊 Circular and Rectangular Manhattan Plot
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I have only one-layer of circle plot #121

Open seisland1 opened 3 months ago

seisland1 commented 3 months ago

Cir_Manhtn P

I have only one-layer of circle in the plot like above jpg file How can I have three-layers like the example of yours?

My code was

CMplot(entire_assoc,type="p",plot.type="c",chr.labels=paste("CHR",c(1:22),sep=""),r=0.4,cir.axis=FALSE, outward=FALSE,cir.axis.col="black",cir.chr.h=1.3,chr.den.col="black",file="png", file.name="",dpi=600,file.output=TRUE,verbose=TRUE,width=10,height=10)

Thank you for your work! Sei

YinLiLin commented 3 months ago

That is because only one trait existed in your data, if you want to get more than one layers, please add more traits by columns in the data 'entire_assoc'.