Yinghao-Li / 3DMM-fitting

Fit 3DMM to front and side face images simultaneously.
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how to use bfm morphable model #6

Open jinxinbao opened 4 years ago

jinxinbao commented 4 years ago

I run the fitting_test.py and it displays so cool. And i want to ask the how to get these files and what is the sfm ? /py_share/py_sfm_shape_3448.bin" /py_share/py_sfm_3448_edge_topology.json /py_share/ibug_to_sfm.txt' Also, i want to use bfm model ,53490 vertices and what should i change? Thank you very much, and look forward to your reply

Yinghao-Li commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry for the very late response. To be honest, it has been too long since the last time I worked on this project, and I hardly remember anything now.

I believe sfm is the name of the model that contains the topology of the 3D human face, similar to bfm, which is stored in the py_sfm_shape_3448.bin file. This file, along with the others, is in the py_share folder. You can clone this repo or download it as a .zip file to get them.

To use the bfm model, you need to create your own indices mapping file "ibug_to_bfm" and some other necessary files that store the mapping relationship between the 2D and 3D annotations. I don't remember other details. I hope this may help.

megahard25 commented 3 years ago

Hello, @jinxinbao ! Did you manage to use the BFM model instead SFM? How did you do that?