YingyiLiu / HAMS

An open-source computer program for the analysis of wave diffraction and radiation of three-dimensional floating or submerged structures
Apache License 2.0
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Q about enhanced endo's method #17

Closed IL-1 closed 2 years ago

IL-1 commented 2 years ago

Dear Dr. Liu,

Thanks for sharing your invaluable asset. As I read your paper, titled enhanced Endo's method, it was very interesting and informative. I appreciate it again. I was just wondering if this HAMS code has been updated following that article.

Thanks in advance for your answer. Regards, Ikjae

YingyiLiu commented 2 years ago

Dear Ikjae,

Thank you for your inquiry. I just see your message. Actually, not yet, but I can send you via email the HAMS executable program compiled with Endo's method.

Regards, Yingyi

IL-1 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the response. I'd really appreciate it if you do that!! My email address is ick7140@gmail.com For now I have steady forward speed (Neumann-Kelvin) and zero speed deep water HOBEM codes, which I have written in MATLAB but will be translated to FORTRAN in the near future. Someday I would also like to contribute to this community including HAMS. Thanks again!! Ikjae