YingyiLiu / HAMS

An open-source computer program for the analysis of wave diffraction and radiation of three-dimensional floating or submerged structures
Apache License 2.0
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How to use HAMS on Windows? #33

Open dith96 opened 2 months ago

dith96 commented 2 months ago

Dear @YingyiLiu , I am an undergraduate student working on my final thesis. I used HAMS to model my project and compared it to the Nemoh model I've been trying to do. I also still need to learn Nemoh.

I am using windows system, would you mind guiding me how to model marine structures using HAMS? I want to try it, but I don't understand. I've read the manual, but I don't really understand it. I hope you will teach me step by step to use HAMS.

I hope someone will help me, thank you..

Best Regards, Dith

YingyiLiu commented 2 months ago

Dear Dith, Thanks for the message. Indeed, the brief manual has described every necessary step in using HAMS. I would like to know which part you feel confused about. That may help me identify your issue.

dith96 commented 2 months ago

Dear @YingyiLiu

Thank you for the help. First, I'm trying to create a model in Rhino. In Nemoh, modeling the structure can be done with one body or two bodies. What about HAMS? Because the OWC that I want to model is a hollow cylindrical OWC with a fixed type, and what oscillates is only the water in the OWC, which I assume is a solid cylinder. That's how I modeled the OWC using Nemoh.

What do you think? Do I have to model it also as a solid cylinder using HAMS? And also do I need to remove the surface layer of the OWC structure or the structure that is above the [0, 0, 0] coordinates that I modeled in Rhino or will HAMS ignore it itself later? Related to the previous question, the OWC that I modeled with a negative draft or below coordinates [0, 0, 0], is it really like this or can it be with a positive draft or above coordinates [0, 0, 0]?

Sorry if my question is trivial and unclear, I'm just starting to learn how to use HAMS. I hope you will help me. Thank you very much.

Best Regards, Dith