YiyanXu / DiffRec

Diffusion Recommender Model
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Missing item_emb.npy in amazon-book_clean dataset #1

Open Guanyu-Lin opened 1 year ago

Guanyu-Lin commented 1 year ago

Excuse me, after I unrar the amazon-book_clean.rar, I find there missing item_emb.npy. Could you please upload the dataset again?

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '../datasets/amazon-book_clean/item_emb.npy'

YiyanXu commented 1 year ago

Those item embeddings for Amazon-book under clean setting and noisy setting were not uploaded in the '.rar' files due to filesize limits. I've already uploaded these files to Google Drive and you can download them at [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PuUZsQrkHjqKh100qq0a2jZVgQDUxU2x/view].

akajinchen commented 1 month ago

Those item embeddings for Amazon-book under clean setting and noisy setting were not uploaded in the '.rar' files due to filesize limits. I've already uploaded these files to Google Drive and you can download them at [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PuUZsQrkHjqKh100qq0a2jZVgQDUxU2x/view].
