Yleisradio / aws-maven

Fork to add support for assumed roles
Apache License 2.0
16 stars 9 forks source link

Depend only on required parts of AWS SDK #7

Open lewisd32 opened 7 years ago

lewisd32 commented 7 years ago

This project depends on the entire AWS SDK: https://github.com/Yleisradio/aws-maven/blob/master/pom.xml#L43-L44 It's been modularized (I'm not sure which version that started, but probably between the version in the spring-projects/aws-maven and this one) so you can depend only on the part you need. Depending on the aws-java-sdk meta-package results in downloading a LOT of jars that presumably aws-maven doesn't actually need.

That dependency can be replaced by the dependencies within aws-java-sdk that are required by aws-maven, and it shouldn't affect functionality. ;)

(Thanks for the fork, by the way. I need the support for credentials from instance-profiles, and sts credentials.)

huima commented 7 years ago

Thanks. We have just been lazy and not doing that earlier .-) Will put on todo-list.

lewisd32 commented 7 years ago

I'll submit a PR if I get a chance to try this before you. :)

huima commented 7 years ago

Finally started to work on this. Will publish new versions soon.

huima commented 7 years ago

Did this already, not pushed into github yet. Problem is leiningen dependency to older jackson currently. Untill new release is done, current version is better to be used by clojure coders. https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/issues/2215

huima commented 7 years ago

This is done and released with 1.4.1. For leiningen use, still need to wait next release https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/issues/2269