Ylianst / MeshCentral

A complete web-based remote monitoring and management web site. Once setup you can install agents and perform remote desktop session to devices on the local network or over the Internet.
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Hardware Connect AMT access fails from corporate laptop #252

Closed reidjr closed 5 years ago

reidjr commented 5 years ago

I have been a long term user of Meshcentral. I use meshcentral running on a raspberry pi, on the same LAN as the machines being controled. My main use is access to a server (port forward of 443 from the internet) which has hardware AMT, but I also use meshagent on multiple machines (including the server) .

I can access all of the meshagents from the internet and LAN and the hardware AMT from all of my own client devices ( apple/android/Linux/MS)) However I cannot connect to the desktop of the server with hardware AMT from my corporate laptop, I can connect to the servers desktop through meshagent, and I can connect to the AMT status, reboot etc.

Running meshcentral with --debug, all I can see is that the websocket for the Hardware connect attempts from the laptop keep closing with ECONRESET.

An old install of meshcommander beta 2 strangely does work for hardware desktop.

Any guidance on solving this issue ?

Ylianst commented 5 years ago

Hi. Ok, I am trying to parse your text. You have a server on a Raspberry Pi with an external router port forwarding port 443 to the RPi port 443. I am having a hard time decoding: "However I cannot connect to the desktop of the server with hardware AMT from my corporate laptop".

Also you mention a problem with MeshCentral, but use MeshCommander in the past and it worked? These are two different software that work very differently.

I also don't understand this: "websocket for the Hardware connect attempts". Are you trying to connect using normal remote desktop? Or Intel AMT KVM?

Sorry, I don't understand the problem. Can you make it more clear? Thanks.

reidjr commented 5 years ago

Must try harder on clarity :-).

1) I meant to say MeshCENTRAL beta 2 in the same situation works as expected. However current and recent versions of Meshcentral behave as below. 2) My use case is: Internet explorer web browser on my corporate ( not under my control) laptop. Connecting using HTTPS to the dynamic dns address of a broadband router/modem. 443 is portforwarded to an instance of Meshcentral running on the Raspberry pi, as the meshcentral Server. Meshcentral has both hardware INTEL AMT and meshagent access to a DELL server. The DELL server and the Pi running meshcentral are on the the same LAN. The serve II am trying to access runs Ubuntu 18.04). When I press "connect" on the desktop tab for the server, I connect as usual and the desktop is working as expected ( I am typing this reply by this chain of Corporate laptop --> Pi--> server) When I attempt to "HW connect" it cycles to "Setup ..." --"Disconnect". "Intel AMT" tab works as expected. Any web browser on any other device I have works with HW Connect, either on the LAN or accessing over the internet through the BB Router.

Thanks again.

jsastriawan commented 5 years ago

Would you give further details about the Dell server tech spec or at least model number?

Are you able to access Dell server locally using MeshCommander (desktop version) and access remote desktop using this tool? Is KVM feature enabled on this system?

Is the Dell server using Intel graphic card or non-Intel graphic card? Intel AMT KVM doesn't work on non Intel graphic card due to the way AMT captures the framebuffer.



reidjr commented 5 years ago

Thanks you for the reply.

Its a dell T20 with AMT v9.1.45 Intel integrated graphics.

To be clear, the ONLY time the "Hardware Connect" Desktop does not work is when I use my corporate laptop and its browser. Hardware/AMT based KVM works perfectly to the T20 when meshcentral web interface is accessed from any other device I have that supports a web browser.

kind regards

reidjr commented 5 years ago


Maybe this is very simple, and it is a browser incompatibility issue. The browser on th elaptop is running ie 11, and when I look at the developer tools debug on the browser I get this error when attempting to Hardware connect to the remote server through meshcentral.

SCRIPT5009: 'f' is undefined File: amt-redir-ws-0.1.0.js, Line: 82, Column: 20

Is this enough to diagnos ethe issue ? I can not change the browser or its version,

EDIT: I have no coding skills but it is just a typo on Line 82. Fixing the typo the browser now connects . Excelent. However it is an order of magnitude slower in refresh now than it is with the old beta2 meshcentral.

reidjr commented 5 years ago

Confirmed Fixed in #340

Was too slow to confirm before 340 closed. Thanks Ylianst.

I was testing the usability of hardware KVM now its working again, Not sure its worthy of opening another ticket, but Hardware KVM now works, but screen refresh is painfully slow compared with both software agent, and the old beta 2 version of Meshcentral. Its sometimes like an old slow scan TV.