Ylianst / MeshCentral

A complete web-based remote monitoring and management web site. Once setup you can install agents and perform remote desktop session to devices on the local network or over the Internet.
Apache License 2.0
3.96k stars 536 forks source link

A big "thank you" from me! #295

Closed ghost closed 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

I wasn't sure where else to send my feedback, so I decided to make this issue. I found out about MeshCentral about a year ago and have been following the project closely ever since then. I am very impressed by the dedicated development team. I made numerous bug reports and feature requests over the last several months and the team fixed all of them in a short amount of time and implemented the requested features without a hitch.

I have since founded my own LLC which offers MeshCentral as SaaS to small and medium-sized businesses. I demoed the software at a local convention in Germany a few months ago and the interest from the industry has been overwhelming. I will soon reach the point where I can quit my day job and live off of the revenue generated by my business. My LLC is also going to become an official partner of Intel soon which I expect is going to help drive even more customers my way.

Thank you for making this awesome piece of software! I hope your management hears about the positive impact that they're having on the day-to-day operations of businesses of all kinds.

jsastriawan commented 5 years ago

Great to have you onboard as a partner, Aaron.

Ylianst commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much for opening an "issue" like this, it's very much appreciated! I love working on this project and having a supportive community makes it such much better. This is also timely as I am looking at 73 issues to fix, having issue number 74 be this one is wonderful.

Feel free to promote your LLC when appropriate, I am very supportive of anyone turning MeshCentral into a commercial offering and promoting Intel products at the same time. Certainly makes my life easier. Don't hesitate to ask if I can help.

PathfinderNetworks commented 5 years ago

Whalehub, how are you using it as a SaaS offering? Just curious. I've been using MeshCentral in my business (I've been 100% self employed since 2004 but have had my own IT business since 1997) for about 5 years now. It's absolutely crucial to my business as I use it to remotely manage endpoints and servers for my clients. But I don't charge my clients for MeshCentral itself- it's just one of the tools I use. But I'd love to hear how others are using it. BTW, I moved to MeshCentral from LogMeIn and have never looked back.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@PathfinderNetworks I'm afraid the specifics of that are a trade secret. I previously used TeamViewer and have also never looked back after switching to MeshCentral.

Ylianst commented 5 years ago

Ok, will close this one. But I do appreciate any feedback a lot. Please open more issue like this one! Apologies for the last week, I was very focused on the MeshCentral Intel AMT ACM activation feature and new version of MeshCommander. I will try to get to more GitHub bugs.