Ylianst / MeshCentral

A complete web-based remote monitoring and management web site. Once setup you can install agents and perform remote desktop session to devices on the local network or over the Internet.
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Feature Request: Text Notifications & Notification Groups #3390

Closed UFOTyler closed 8 months ago

UFOTyler commented 2 years ago

Hey Mesh Team,

I've been setting up more monitoring functionality for my clients and there servers, I've setup email notifications and now have messaging setup with Telnyx. Some features I think would be great additions would to allow connect/disconnect notifications over text messaging similar to email notification options for groups/devices.

Also notifications for user groups instead of a per user bases. Example would be if I want a text and/or email when a server disconnects sent to team of people. Even if we can choose one of the already implemented user groups in mesh to receive the notification. As of now if I setup a notification for a server its only setup for my user.

These would be awesome for our workflow and add a ton of functionality.


si458 commented 11 months ago

what text messaging company do you use? the is a few other notifiction methods built in already now https://ylianst.github.io/MeshCentral/messaging/

si458 commented 8 months ago

closing as stale, please reopen if you let us know what sms providers you want to add for notifications