Ylianst / MeshCentral

A complete web-based remote monitoring and management web site. Once setup you can install agents and perform remote desktop session to devices on the local network or over the Internet.
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Ver 1.0.60 Windows 11 desktop control issue #4319

Open lexisman opened 2 years ago

lexisman commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug I am not sure if I am the only one experiencing it, after updating to ver 1.0.60, the desktop control for Windows 11 agent failed. It will connect to the desktop of Windows 11, but failed to control it. I tried using chrome, opera, edge, all failed to control the windows 11 agent. Thanks.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Server Software (please complete the following information):

Remote Device (please complete the following information):

Additional context I tried using Ubuntu Linux as the remote device and no issues at all in connecting and controlling Windows 11, windows 10, linux agents.

Your config.json file

  "$schema": "http://info.meshcentral.com/downloads/meshcentral-config-schema.json",
  "__comment1__": "This is a simple configuration file, all values and sections that start with underscore (_) are ignored. Edit a section and remove the _ in front of the name. Refer to the user's guide for details.",
  "__comment2__": "See node_modules/meshcentral/sample-config-advanced.json for a more advanced example.",
  "settings": {
    "Cert": "###.##########.##",
    "MongoDb": "mongodb://",
    "WANonly": true,
    "DbRecordsEncryptKey": "##################",
    "sessionKey": "##################",
    "Port": 4430,
    "AliasPort": 443,
    "RedirPort": 800,
    "RedirectPortAlias": 80,
    "WebRTC": true
 "domains": {
    "": {
      "certUrl": "https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443",
      "title": "Central Monitoring Systems",
      "title2": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
      "_minify": true,
      "_newAccounts": true,
      "_userNameIsEmail": true,
      "TitlePicture": "title-mycompagny.png"
  "_letsencrypt": {
    "__comment__": "Requires NodeJS 8.x or better, Go to https://letsdebug.net/ first before trying Let's Encrypt.",
    "email": "123@gmail.com",
    "names": "central.meshcentrsl.xx",
    "rsaKeySize": 3072,
    "production": true
PathfinderNetworks commented 2 years ago

I just updated to 1.0.60 and tested connecting to a variety of Windows 11 Pro desktops. I was able to connect and control them all as expected. Can you better describe what is happening on your end?

lexisman commented 2 years ago

I can connect to the desktop of windows 11, it says connected but blank screen. I can connect to the terminal, I can see all the directories of the windows 11. It only happens with windows 11, with windows 10 and linux with desktop they are ok.

I did downgrade to the stable, then upgrade it back to 1.0.60, and it seems its working now. Weird. Thanks for your reply. though.

Sorry, I talked to fast, because the problem came back again with windows 11. Out of 4 windows11 agents only 1 has no issue in connecting and controlling the desktop. I'm confused. It connects to the desktop but the screen is frozen, nothing can be click on the desktop, it looks like a screen shot. However, with windows10 desktop no issues at all, with linux ubunto desktop no issues either, only with windows11 desktop.

si458 commented 2 years ago

Daft question, on the desktop tab, near the bottom should be a checkbox saying input Is It checked or not? If its not checked then its basically a view only mode If its checked then its control mode The text should really be changed at some point from input to control device

Martin900t commented 2 years ago

I just had the same issue with Win 10 clients (all clients are Win10). MeshCentral is running on a Server 2019 Hyper-V VM. Upgraded from 1.0.53 to 1.0.60 from web UI. After that I could connect to a client but could issue no commands or take cursor control. Some machines would show a connection but nothing but a complete black screen. Failure was both thru web UI and Router. Config.json { "settings": { "cert": "myorg.org", "_minify": true, "webrtc": true }, "letsencrypt": { "email": "me@myorg.org", "names": "myorg.org", "rsaKeySize": 3072, "production": true },

"domains": {

} }

si458 commented 2 years ago

@Martin900t try removing the webrtc option, as im aware from other issues, that webrtc is experimental and not 100% perfect

lexisman commented 2 years ago

Daft question, on the desktop tab, near the bottom should be a checkbox saying input Is It checked or not? If its not checked then its basically a view only mode If its checked then its control mode The text should really be changed at some point from input to control device

Yes, there is a check mark.

lexisman commented 2 years ago

@Martin900t try removing the webrtc option, as im aware from other issues, that webrtc is experimental and not 100% perfect

I disabled the webrtc and it seems its working now for the Windows 11. I will continue to monitor it, without the webrtc.

lexisman commented 2 years ago

I just updated to 1.0.60 and tested connecting to a variety of Windows 11 Pro desktops. I was able to connect and control them all as expected. Can you better describe what is happening on your end?

By the way, What OS do you use to access the agents? If I use linux ubuntu as the remote PC to access the agents, no issues at all with windows 11. It only happens when I use windows PC to access the agents.

PathfinderNetworks commented 2 years ago

I'm using Windows 11 Pro to access other devices. I also, at times, use Windows 10 Pro. In both cases it's typically using Microsoft Edge. But also Google Chrome.

Martin900t commented 2 years ago

I had the problem using Win 10 Pro on both the agent and control PC. I'm currently back to using 1.0.53 and won't be able to test again for a while.

si458 commented 2 years ago

By the way, What OS do you use to access the agents? If I use linux ubuntu as the remote PC to access the agents, no issues at all with windows 11. It only happens when I use windows PC to access the agents.

i mainly use my win 11 firefox to connect to a variety of machines, debian servers, win 7/10 pro, 11 home, server 2008 r2 - 2016 a nice variety i believe haha

i have also just got working my old acer chromebook running chrome os flex and that works great too for the remote support!

si458 commented 2 years ago

I had the problem using Win 10 Pro on both the agent and control PC. I'm currently back to using 1.0.53 and won't be able to test again for a while.

@Martin900t i would try as i said to @lexisman, remove the webrtc option as it causes problems sometimes (altho ive had it working in the past with devices that are locally but not remotely)

lexisman commented 2 years ago

I had the problem using Win 10 Pro on both the agent and control PC. I'm currently back to using 1.0.53 and won't be able to test again for a while.

i would try as i said to @lexisman, remove the webrtc option as it causes problems sometimes (altho ive had it working in the past with devices that are locally but not remotely)

I did disabled webrtc, its working fine now. I just enabled it back again, the webrtc, then I use linux with desktop to access the agents since there is no issue with it. Thanks.

Martin900t commented 2 years ago

After changing "webrtc": true to "webrtc": false, then upgrading to 1.0.60, all looks good now. Thanks, si458.

lfabry commented 2 years ago

had similar issue, since version 1.0.60. The desktop sharing was not working perfectly. Connection went well , but screen refresh was not working. Had to connect and disconnect again to see the screen updates. Strangely some groups with linux devices did not had this refresh issues, thought this was link to specific group. After disabling webrtc, remote control went well

lexisman commented 2 years ago

I turn on the webrtc back, after updating all windows 11 to current updates from Microsoft, It is now controllable. However, I remember before version 1.0.60, that after connecting to Windows PC's, it will say that it is connected via webrtc, but now version 1.0.65, it doesn't show. Does it mean that the webrtc is now disabled by default? Please correct me if I am wrong with my observation.