Ylianst / MeshCentral

A complete web-based remote monitoring and management web site. Once setup you can install agents and perform remote desktop session to devices on the local network or over the Internet.
Apache License 2.0
4.18k stars 562 forks source link

webpage slowdown #4592

Closed laboiteajb closed 8 months ago

laboiteajb commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Hello,

since i upgraded to the latest version, i noticed meshcentral slowing down Moreover meshcentral crashes, and I have to delete meshcentral-events.db, meshcentral-power.db, meshcentral-stats.db and all the .mcrec files to be able to make meshcentral work again

thank you

Server Software (please complete the following information):

    "settings": {
        "cert": "remote.XXXXX.fr",
        "_mongoDb": "mongodb://",
        "_mongoDbName": "meshcentral",
        "_mongoDbChangeStream": true,
        "_mongoDumpPath": "C:\\Program Files\\MongoDB\\Server\\4.2\bin\\mongodump.exe",
        "_WANonly": true,
        "_LANonly": true,
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        "_dbEncryptKey": "MyReallySecretPassword2",
        "_dbRecordsEncryptKey": "MyReallySecretPassword",
        "_dbRecordsDecryptKey": "MyReallySecretPassword",
        "__dbExpire": "Amount of time to keep various events in the database, in seconds. Below are the default values.",
        "_dbExpire": {
            "events": 1728000,
            "powerevents": 864000,
            "statsevents": 2592000
        "port": 443,
        "_portBind": "",
        "_aliasPort": 444,
        "redirPort": 80,
        "_redirPortBind": "",
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        "_agentPortBind": "",
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        "_browserPong": 60,
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        "_agentPong": 60,
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        "_npmPath": "c:\npm.exe",
        "_npmProxy": "",
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        "_agentBlockedIP": ",::1",
        "authLog": "c:\\log\\auth.log",
        "_manageAllDeviceGroups": [
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            "name": "Local server name",
            "info": "Information about this server"
        "_tlsOffload": ",::1",
        "_trustedProxy": ",::1",
        "_mpsPort": 44330,
        "_mpsPortBind": "",
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        "_mpsAliasHost": "mps.mydomain.com",
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        "_no2FactorAuth": true,
        "log": "main,web,webrequest,cert",
        "_syslog": "meshcentral",
        "_syslogauth": "meshcentral-auth",
        "_syslogjson": "meshcentral-json",
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                    "urls": "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"
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                "folderName": "MeshCentral-Backups",
                "maxFiles": 10
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                "url": "https://server/remote.php/dav/files/xxxxx@server.com/",
                "username": "user",
                "password": "pass",
                "folderName": "MeshCentral-Backups",
                "maxFiles": 10
        "_redirects": {
            "meshcommander": "https://www.meshcommander.com/"
        "__maxInvalidLogin": "Time in minutes, max amount of bad logins from a source IP in the time before logins are rejected.",
        "_maxInvalidLogin": {
            "time": 10,
            "count": 10,
            "coolofftime": 10
        "watchDog": {
            "interval": 100,
            "timeout": 400
        "_plugins": {
            "enabled": true
    "domaindefaults": {
        "__comment__": "Any settings in this section is used as default setting for all domains",
        "siteStyle": 1,
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            "url": "ldap://XX.XX.0.1:389",
            "bindDN": "CN=XXXXX,OU=Comptes_de_Services,OU=Users,OU=CORFU,DC=XXXXX,DC=dom",
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            "searchBase": "OU=Users,OU=CORFU,DC=XXXXX,DC=dom",
            "searchFilter": "(sAMAccountName={{username}})"
        "deviceMeshRouterLinks": {
            "rdp": true,
            "ssh": false,
            "scp": false
        "myServer": {
            "Backup": true,
            "Restore": true,
            "Upgrade": true,
            "ErrorLog": true,
            "Console": true,
            "Trace": true
        "passwordRequirements": {
            "_min": 8,
            "_max": 128,
            "_upper": 1,
            "_lower": 1,
            "_numeric": 1,
            "_nonalpha": 1,
            "_reset": 90,
            "force2factor": true,
            "_skip2factor": ",",
            "_oldPasswordBan": 5,
            "_banCommonPasswords": false
        "agentCustomization": {
            "description": "Remote Corfu Agent background service. https://remote.XXXXX.fr",
            "displayName": "Remote Corfu Agent",
            "companyName": "Corfu Radiocommunications",
            "serviceName": "Remote Corfu Agent"
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            "filepath": "E:\recordings",
            "index": true,
            "_maxRecordings": 10,
            "maxRecordingSizeMegabytes": 30000,
            "__protocols__": "Is an array: 1 = Terminal, 2 = Desktop, 5 = Files, 100 = Intel AMT WSMAN, 101 = Intel AMT Redirection",
            "protocols": [
        "welcomeText": ".",
        "welcomePicture": "XXXXX.jpg",
        "newAccounts": true
    "_domains": {
        "": {
            "_siteStyle": 2,
            "title": "Remote Corfu",
            "_title2": "Servername",
            "_titlePicture": "title-sample.png",
            "_loginPicture": "title-sample.png",
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            "_meshQuota": 248576,
            "minify": true,
            "newAccounts": false,
            "_newAccountsUserGroups": [
            "_userNameIsEmail": true,
            "_newAccountEmailDomains": [
            "_newAccountsRights": [
            "_welcomeText": "Sample Text on Login Page.",
            "_welcomePicture": "XXXXX.jpg",
            "___hide__": "Sum of: 1 = Hide header, 2 = Hide tab, 4 = Hide footer, 8 = Hide title, 16 = Hide left bar",
            "_hide": 4,
            "_footer": "<a href='https://twitter.com/mytwitter'>Twitter</a>",
            "_certUrl": "",
            "myServer": {
                "Backup": false,
                "Restore": false,
                "Upgrade": false,
                "ErrorLog": false,
                "Console": false,
                "Trace": false
            "_passwordRequirements": {
                "_min": 8,
                "_max": 128,
                "_upper": 1,
                "_lower": 1,
                "_numeric": 1,
                "_nonalpha": 1,
                "_reset": 90,
                "_force2factor": true,
                "_skip2factor": ",",
                "_oldPasswordBan": 5,
                "_banCommonPasswords": false
            "_twoFactorCookieDurationDays": 30,
            "_agentInviteCodes": true,
            "_agentNoProxy": true,
            "_geoLocation": true,
            "_novnc": false,
            "mstsc": true,
            "_WebEmailsPath": "/myserver/email-templates",
            "_consentMessages": {
                "title": "MeshCentral",
                "desktop": "{0} requesting remote desktop access. Grant access?",
                "terminal": "{0} requesting remote terminal access. Grant access?",
                "files": "{0} requesting remote files access. Grant access?"
            "_notificationMessages": {
                "title": "MeshCentral",
                "desktop": "{0} started a remote desktop session.",
                "terminal": "{0} started a remote terminal session.",
                "files": "{0} started a remote files session."
            "_userAllowedIP": ",",
            "_userBlockedIP": ",::1,",
            "_agentAllowedIP": "",
            "_agentBlockedIP": ",::1",
            "_orphanAgentUser": "admin",
            "___userSessionIdleTimeout__": "Number of user idle minutes before auto-disconnect",
            "_userSessionIdleTimeout": 30,
            "__userConsentFlags__": "Set to: 1 for desktop, 2 for terminal, 3 for files, 7 for all",
            "_userConsentFlags": 7,
            "_urlSwitching": false,
            "_desktopPrivacyBarText": "Your privacy bar message",
            "_limits": {
                "_maxDevices": 100,
                "_maxUserAccounts": 100,
                "_maxUserSessions": 100,
                "_maxAgentSessions": 100,
                "maxSingleUserSessions": 10
            "_amtScanOptions": [
            "_amtAcmActivation": {
                "log": "amtactivation.log",
                "certs": {
                    "mycertname": {
                        "certfiles": [
                        "keyfile": "amtacm-leafcert.key"
            "_amtManager": {
                "adminAccounts": [
                        "user": "admin",
                        "pass": "MyP@ssw0rd"
                "environmentDetection": [
                "wifiProfiles": [
                        "name": "Profile1",
                        "ssid": "MyStation1",
                        "authentication": "wpa2-psk",
                        "encryption": "ccmp-aes",
                        "password": "MyP@ssw0rd"
            "_redirects": {
                "meshcommander": "https://www.meshcommander.com/"
            "_yubikey": {
                "id": "0000",
                "secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                "_proxy": "http://myproxy.domain.com:80"
            "_httpHeaders": {
                "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=360000",
                "x-frame-options": "SAMEORIGIN",
                "Content-Security-Policy": "default-src 'none'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-src 'self'; media-src 'self'"
            "_agentConfig": [
            "maxGuestSessionSharingTime": 5760,
            "sessionRecording": {
                "onlySelectedDeviceGroups": true,
                "filepath": "E:\recordings",
                "index": true,
                "_maxRecordings": 10,
                "_maxRecordingSizeMegabytes": 3,
                "__protocols__": "Is an array: 1 = Terminal, 2 = Desktop, 5 = Files, 100 = Intel AMT WSMAN, 101 = Intel AMT Redirection",
                "protocols": [
            "_authStrategies": {
                "__comment__": "This section is used to allow users to login using other accounts. You will need to get an API key from the services and register callback URL's",
                "_twitter": {
                    "_callbackurl": "https://server/auth-twitter-callback",
                    "newAccounts": true,
                    "_newAccountsUserGroups": [
                    "clientid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "clientsecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                "_google": {
                    "_callbackurl": "https://server/auth-google-callback",
                    "newAccounts": true,
                    "_newAccountsUserGroups": [
                    "clientid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.apps.googleusercontent.com",
                    "clientsecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                "_github": {
                    "_callbackurl": "https://server/auth-github-callback",
                    "newAccounts": true,
                    "_newAccountsUserGroups": [
                    "clientid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "clientsecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                "_reddit": {
                    "_callbackurl": "https://server/auth-reddit-callback",
                    "newAccounts": true,
                    "_newAccountsUserGroups": [
                    "clientid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
                    "clientsecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
                "azure": {
                    "_callbackurl": "https://server/auth-azure-callback",
                    "newAccounts": true,
                    "_newAccountsUserGroups": [
                    "clientid": "1587ef76-7ed5-4869-8c07-2abe31e58f66",
                    "clientsecret": ".8s8MNG1R8_.qLafkT9G~Lvy4quI2C~e~m",
                    "tenantid": "b32b3952-67af-47be-be35-ca13b6f6b2c1"
                "_jumpcloud": {
                    "_callbackurl": "https://server/auth-jumpcloud-callback",
                    "newAccounts": true,
                    "_newAccountsUserGroups": [
                    "entityid": "meshcentral",
                    "idpurl": "https://sso.jumpcloud.com/saml2/saml2",
                    "cert": "jumpcloud-saml.pem"
                "_saml": {
                    "_callbackurl": "https://server/auth-saml-callback",
                    "_disableRequestedAuthnContext": true,
                    "newAccounts": true,
                    "_newAccountsUserGroups": [
                    "_newAccountsRights": [
                    "entityid": "meshcentral",
                    "idpurl": "https://server/saml2",
                    "cert": "saml.pem"
        "_customer1": {
            "_dns": "customer1.myserver.com",
            "_title": "Customer1",
            "_title2": "TestServer",
            "_newAccounts": 1,
            "_auth": "sspi",
            "auth": "ldap",
            "_LDAPUserName": "gecos",
            "_LDAPUserKey": "uid",
            "_LDAPUserEmail": "otherMail",
            "_LDAPPptions": {
                "url": "test",
                "anne": {
                    "gecos": "Anne O'Nyme",
                    "displayName": "O Nyme anne",
                    "uid": "anneonyme",
                    "mail": "anneonyme@example.com",
                    "email": "anneonyme@example.com",
                    "otherMail": [
                "so": {
                    "displayName": "Sticker Sophie",
                    "gecos": "Sophie Sticker",
                    "uid": "ssticker",
                    "mail": "ssticker@example.com",
                    "email": "ssticker@example.com",
                    "otherMail": [
            "LDAPOptions": {
                "URL": "ldap://XX.XX.0.1:389",
                "BindDN": "CN=XXXXX,OU=Comptes_de_Services,OU=Users,OU=CORFU,DC=XXXXX,DC=dom",
                "BindCredentials": "Zc4N8NniSjbwQ799Y2",
                "SearchBase": "OU=Users,OU=CORFU,DC=XXXXX,DC=dom",
                "SearchFilter": "(sAMAccountName={{username}})"
            "_footer": "Test",
            "_certUrl": ""
        "_info": {
            "_share": "C:\\ExtraWebSite"
    "letsencrypt": {
        "__comment__": "Requires NodeJS 8.x or better, Go to https://letsdebug.net/ first before trying Let's Encrypt.",
        "email": "jbmerveille@XXXXX.fr",
        "names": "remote.XXXXX.fr",
        "nochecks": true,
        "production": true
    "_peers": {
        "serverId": "server1",
        "servers": {
            "server1": {
                "url": "wss://"
            "server2": {
                "url": "wss://"
    "smtp": {
        "host": "mail.XXXXX.fr",
        "port": 25,
        "from": "meshcentral@XXXXX.fr",
        "__tls__": "When 'tls' is set to true, TLS is used immidiatly when connecting. For SMTP servers that use TLSSTART, set this to 'false' and TLS will still be used.",
        "tls": false,
        "___tlscertcheck__": "When set to false, the TLS certificate of the SMTP server is not checked.",
        "tlscertcheck": false,
        "__tlsstrict__": "When set to true, TLS cypher setup is more limited, SSLv2 and SSLv3 are not allowed.",
        "tlsstrict": false,
        "verifyEmail": false
    "_sms": {
        "provider": "twilio",
        "sid": "ACxxxxxxxxx",
        "auth": "xxxxxxx",
        "from": "+1-555-555-5555"
    "__sms": {
        "provider": "plivo",
        "id": "xxxxxxx",
        "token": "xxxxxxx",
        "from": "1-555-555-5555"
si458 commented 8 months ago

closing this as stale, please try the latest version 1.1.20 and use node 18 or above and try again, if your issue still persists, then please reply back