Ylianst / MeshCentral

A complete web-based remote monitoring and management web site. Once setup you can install agents and perform remote desktop session to devices on the local network or over the Internet.
Apache License 2.0
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Problems with Keyboard Shortcuts #5739

Closed WesleyjanLacerda closed 8 months ago

WesleyjanLacerda commented 8 months ago

Hello, I have a question, I don't know if it's my fault or if this feature doesn't even exist in the project, I can't use some commands like "ctrl+a", and others that I use a lot like "ctrl+c and ctrl+v", in files or texts:

On the MeshRouter, and also when accessing the desktop via the website, none of it works, not even using the keyboard command or the "copy clipboard" buttons.

Mesh Central: Version: 1.1.19 installed in: Ubuntu-20.04-2023.09.28-0 vm-oracle node v11.0.0

I'm using it to access Windows computers:

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ylianst/MeshCentral/master/meshcentral-config-schema.json",
  "__comment1__": "This is a simple configuration file, all values and sections that start with underscore (_) are ignored. Edit a section and remove the _ in front of the name. Refer to the user's guide for details.",
  "__comment2__": "See node_modules/meshcentral/sample-config-advanced.json for a more advanced example.",
  "settings": {
    "cert": "he.com.br",
    "_WANonly": true,
    "_LANonly": true,
    "_sessionKey": "MyReallySecretPassword1",
    "_port": 443,
    "_aliasPort": 443,
    "_redirPort": 80,
    "_redirAliasPort": 80,
    "tlsOffload": false,
    "webRTC": true,
    "wsCompression": true,
    "_RelayPort": 453,
    "allowHighQualityDesktop": true
  "domains": {
    "": {
      "title": "HD",
      "title2": "Acesso remoto",
      "titlePicture": "loginlogo.png",
      "loginPicture": "loginlogo.png",
      "welcomeText": "Bem vindo à .....",
      "welcomePicture": "Sem Título-2.png",
      "welcomePictureFullScreen": "loginlogo.png",
      "siteStyle": "2",
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      "meshMessengerTitle": "Messenger He",
      "meshMessengerPicture": "loginlogo.png",
      "footer": "Central de assistência remota da He",
      "loginfooter": "He",
      "_newAccounts": false,
      "userNameIsEmail": true,
      "geoLocation": false,
      "mstsc": false,
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      "minify": false,
      "agentInviteCodes": true,
      "allowSavingDeviceCredentials": true,
      "manageAllDeviceGroups": ["wesleyjan","wesleyjan@he.com.br"],
      "altMessenging": [
          "name": "Botão - 1",
          "url": "https://he.com.br/",
          "localurl": "https://he.com.br/",
          "type": "device"
          "name": "Botão - 2",
          "url": "https://he.com.br/",
          "localurl": "https://he.com.br/",
          "type": "user"
      "_customui": {
        "devicesBarButtons": {
          "exec1": {
            "name": "Execute1",
            "action": "event",
            "logmsg": "Button 1 pressed",
            "deselectDevices": true
          "exec2": {
            "name": "Execute2",
            "selection": "one",
            "action": "event",
            "logmsg": "Button 2 pressed"
          "exec3": {
            "name": "Execute3",
            "selection": "many",
            "action": "dialog:dialog1"
        "deviceButtons": {
          "exec4": {
            "name": "Request Access To This System",
            "action": "dialog:dialog1",
            "showif": "mesh//7b4b...c"
        "dialogs": {
          "dialog1": {
            "logmsg": "requested access",
            "title": "Request Access to this system",
            "text": "Please provide justification for this request:",
            "buttons": 3,
            "deselectDevices": true,
            "elements": {
              "test2": {
                "_name": "requestInformation",
                "type": "textarea"
      "deviceMeshRouterLinks": {
        "rdp": false,
        "ssh": false,
        "scp": false,
        "extralinks": [
            "name": "Acesso Desktop",
            "protocol": "mcrdesktop"
            "name": "Acessar Arquivos",
            "protocol": "mcrfiles"
            "name": "PVE",
            "protocol": "https",
            "port": 8006,
            "filter": [ "tag:PVE" ]
            "name": "PVEBKP",
            "protocol": "https",
            "port": 8007,
            "filter": [ "tag:PVEBKP" ]
            "name": "Winbox",
            "protocol": "custom",
            "port": 8291,
            "filter": [ "tag:MIKROTIK" ]
            "name": "Bloco de Notas",
            "protocol": "notepad",
            "port": 12345,
            "_filter": [ "tag:MIKROTIK" ]
      "myServer": {
        "Backup": true,
        "Restore": true,
        "Upgrade": true,
        "ErrorLog": true,
        "Console": true,
        "Trace": true
      "agentcustomization": {
        "displayName": "HD",
        "description": "Aplicativo para suporte remoto He",
        "serviceName": "HD",
        "fileName": "HD",
        "image": "Sem Título-2.png",
        "installText": "Clique nos ..."
      "assistantCustomization": {
        "title": "HD® Product™",
        "image": "Sem Título-2.png",
        "fileName": "HD"
      "agentFileInfo": {
        "filedescription": "Sup",
        "icon": "favicon.ico",
        "fileversionnumber": "1.1.10",
        "fileversion": "1.1.10",
        "productversion": "1.1.10",
        "internalname": "Sup",
        "legalcopyright": "Sistemas Todos os direitos reservados",
        "originalfilename": "HD",
        "productname": "HD"
  "_messaging": {
    "discord": {
      "serverurl": "https://discord.gg/qSZ7AEBgGV",
      "token": "NDY2MjAyMDc2MTAwMTY1....."
  "letsencrypt": {
    "__comment__": "Requires NodeJS 8.x or better, Go to https://letsdebug.net/ first before trying Let's Encrypt.",
    "email": "myemail@mydomain.com",
    "names": "he.he.com.br,he1.he.com.br,he2.he.com.br,he.he.com.br",
    "skipChallengeVerification": true,
    "production": true
si458 commented 8 months ago

i believe this has already been answered on telegream disable webrtc and wscompression, also make sure to tick use remote keyboard map within the web browser OR meshcentralrouter