Ylianst / MeshCentral

A complete web-based remote monitoring and management web site. Once setup you can install agents and perform remote desktop session to devices on the local network or over the Internet.
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AMT activated in ACM. But CIRA: Disconnected #6281

Open ZENAdmin-Ops opened 1 month ago

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug Hello,

I'm raising this as a bug as I have this issue on 4 devices and have not been able to determine a resolution. And the discussion questions that I have seen have not been responded to.

This could be a bug, or maybe I just need some troubleshooting advice.

I have other AMT devices (and agents) that are Activated and are connecting fine to the MC server. So the MC server is functional - at least to some degree.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have an Intel AMT only group
  2. Intel AMT Policy
  3. Simple ACM
  4. Keep existing password
  5. Deactivate CCM
  6. CIRA - Connect to server
  7. Deploy setup file using meshcmd
  8. AMT device appears in group, but IntelAMT tab is diconnected with no option to connect
  9. Run meshcmd amtinfo on device.
  10. Intel AMT v12.0.93, activated in Admin Control Mode (ACM). Wired Enabled, Static, E4:54:E8:92:A7:FB, Connection Status: Direct, CIRA: Disconnected.

Expected behavior Expect CIRA to be connected

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Server Software (please complete the following information):

Client Device (please complete the following information):

Remote Device (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Your config.json file

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ylianst/MeshCentral/master/meshcentral-config-schema.json",
  "__comment1__": "This is a simple configuration file, all values and sections that start with underscore (_) are ignored. Edit a section and remove the _ in front of the name. Refer to the user's guide for details.",
  "__comment2__": "See node_modules/meshcentral/sample-config-advanced.json for a more advanced example.",
  "settings": {
    "cert": "mc1.zen.net.au",
    "WANonly": true,
    "_LANonly": true,
    "sessionKey": "### have changed ###",
    "_port": 443,
    "aliasPort": 5443,
    "MpsAliasPort": 54433,
    "_redirPort": 80,
    "_redirAliasPort": 80,  
    "mongodb": "mongodb://",
    "mongodbcol": "meshcentral",
    "autoBackup": {
    "mongoDumpPath": "C:/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/7.0/bin/mongodump.exe",
    "backupIntervalHours": 24,
    "keepLastDaysBackup": 10,
    "zipPassword": "#### have changed ####",
    "backupPath": "C:/MeshCentral/meshcentral-backups",
    "maxFiles": 10
  "domains": {
    "": {
      "_title": "MyServer",
      "_title2": "Servername",
      "_minify": true,
      "_newAccounts": true,
      "_userNameIsEmail": true
  "_letsencrypt": {
    "__comment__": "Requires NodeJS 8.x or better, Go to https://letsdebug.net/ first before trying Let's Encrypt.",
    "email": "info@zen.net.au",
    "names": "mc1.zen.net.au",
    "skipChallengeVerification": true,
    "production": false
si458 commented 1 month ago

you say Keep existing password, in the General tab of the device, is the an option saying invalid credentials next to the AMT bit at all? share screenshot of you can?

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

Some screenshots from MeshCentral

Details_tab_not_connected General_tab_not_connected IntelAMT_tab_not_connected
si458 commented 1 month ago

people keep reporting this type of issue and sadly i havent been able to replicate the issue? BUT i only have a single AMT v7 device which works no matter what, so without hardware to test, i cannot fix the bug (if it is a bug).

a few things you can try:

  1. go into the console tab under My Server then type amtpasswords then check the device thats listed in there AND the password for the AMT (mebx) is infact in that list.

  2. check you can access the AMT web panel on the device itself https://localhost:16992 or https://localhost:16993

  3. if you can access the web ui, check you can login with a password listed in amtpasswords for that device

  4. run meshcentral with amt debug node node_modules/meshcentral --debug amt

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago


Have I done the amtpasswords step correctly?

si458 commented 1 month ago

@ZENAdmin-Ops erm yes and im not sure why its blank?

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

Nothing else has appeared in the console

si458 commented 1 month ago

@ZENAdmin-Ops can you just try all the other options for me tho please

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

I am able to logon to the device using https://localhost:16993

But there are no passwords listed in amtpasswords so I am using the credentials that I know are correct for the device

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

For step 4.

Where will the logs / diagnostic info be reported that I will need to submit?

si458 commented 1 month ago

@ZENAdmin-Ops sorry first stop meshcentral, then rerun it with that command, the logs will show on the screen

you can also go into the web ui, then my server, then trace, click tracing, then enable ALL the intel amt sections, then it will show any debug stuff in the web ui (dont close the page!)

if you use the web ui, its best to shut down computer, unplug its power, wait say 2 mins, then plug its power back in, switch computer on, then watch the web ui output

if you get no output in either the console or the trace ui, then you might have the amt port 4433 blocked in your firewall

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

OK. These systems are going to be in use this evening.

So I will try the tracing tomorrow and report back then.

Ironically I had access to AMT via VNC Plus prior to trying to switch them to MeshCentral. And at the moment AMT access via MeshCentral for these devices is broken.

So, I can't do the remote restart and wait 2 mins.

I'll just try a remote restart tomorrow. Worst case I'll have to go to the office to perform a power-drain, that will be sometime in the next week.

I'd really like to get to the bottom of this. So I'll do whatever testing is needed.

Appreciate your prompt assistance.

si458 commented 1 month ago

thats ok! in theory you can do the web ui trace now if you wanted while its running,

go into the web ui, then my server, then trace, click tracing, then enable ALL the intel amt sections, then it will show any debug stuff in the web ui (dont close the page!)

then watch the logs as you try different things and see what happens,

but what you need to do is really unplug/plug the remote device, that will restart AMT into connecting to your meshcentral, and if you NEVER see any connections from that device happen when you power cycle it, then something isnt right with the AMT

strange one (side note), can you use the meshcommander application and connect into the device? if you can then you can check the internet settings tab and see if your meshcentral server dns is listed there, same with the security settings, check its certificate is listed there

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

The server trace doesn't appear to identify the host.

And I have AMT devices that are working as well as 3 or 4 that are stuffed.

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

Internet Settings looks correct

I'm using a redirected port.

Can you tell me where I check the Trusted Root certificate?

si458 commented 1 month ago

plz can you share a few more screenshots? just trying to compare with mine System Status, Network Settings, Internet Settings, Security Settings ?

si458 commented 1 month ago

ive just spotted, it says talk to port 54433, which you have set as your alias port for amt do you use a reverse proxy server at all? as the default port should be 4433, and the alias port only tells remote device which port to connect to, but you havent specified an amt port so its going to use the default 4433 port so 54433 != 4433

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

plz can you share a few more screenshots? just trying to compare with mine System Status, Network Settings, Internet Settings, Security Settings ?

MeshCommander_Network_Settings MeshCommander_System_Status MeshCommander_Security_Settings
si458 commented 1 month ago

the dns suffix for the computer in incorrect! from my understanding and knowledge, the dns suffix MUST match your meshcentral dns name!? so you should be able to click the name & domain in network settings, and change the dns suffix

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

ive just spotted, it says talk to port 54433, which you have set as your alias port for amt do you use a reverse proxy server at all?

No reverse proxy server.

as the default port should be 4433, and the alias port only tells remote device which port to connect to, but you havent specified an amt port so its going to use the default 4433 port so 54433 != 4433

I don't understand the comment above.

The public AMT port is 54433 which forwards to 4433 on the MeshCentral server.

si458 commented 1 month ago

The public AMT port is 54433 which forwards to 4433 on the MeshCentral server.

ah right ok thats fine! so port forwarding 54433 to 4433, thats ok makes sense! my mistake!

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

the dns suffix for the computer in incorrect! from my understanding and knowledge, the dns suffix MUST match your meshcentral dns name!? so you should be able to click the name & domain in network settings, and change the dns suffix

Well I have devices at other client sites that working in MeshCentral and their domain suffix does not match our dns suffix

If all the devices have to match MeshCentral dns suffix that will be a showstopper for us. We will need a work-around

Does this mean that I would need to set up multiple domains within MeshCentral. There is a video on multiple domains, but I haven't watched it yet.

si458 commented 1 month ago

hmm ok that is weird? and forgive me but i could be mistaken!

in theory you can click the name & domain, then change name sharing to dedicated, different from os, then set a computer name and your meshcentral dns name in there (computer1.meshcentral.myserver.com) and then click OK/Save, it then WONT effect your windows OS domain as its seperate :)

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

hmm ok that is weird? and forgive me but i could be mistaken!

in theory you can click the name & domain, then change name sharing to dedicated, different from os, then set a computer name and your meshcentral dns name in there (computer1.meshcentral.myserver.com) and then click OK/Save, it then WONT effect your windows OS domain as its seperate :)

So you would suggest that the name should be: bbox4.zen.net.au ?

si458 commented 1 month ago

So you would suggest that the name should be: bbox4.zen.net.au ?

no it would need to match the DNS name you use to access meshcentral, so from the screenshots/config.json something like comp1.mc1.zen.net.au

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

I've just changed the name to:


No change in amtinfo CIRA: Disconnected

Do I need to restart?

si458 commented 1 month ago

@ZENAdmin-Ops possibly the remote machine yes, by unplugging/plugging back in, but maybe just give it chance to connect, as i do know/have seen my AMT can take 5-10mins before it connects back

si458 commented 1 month ago

@ZENAdmin-Ops what is the full output now if you run the amtinfo with meshcmd?

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

@ZENAdmin-Ops what is the full output now if you run the amtinfo with meshcmd?

I have restarted

C:\ZEN\MeshCentral\ZEN>meshcmd amtinfo Intel AMT v12.0.93, activated in Admin Control Mode (ACM). Wired Enabled, Static, E4:54:E8:92:A7:FB, Connection Status: Direct, CIRA: Disconnected.

si458 commented 1 month ago

ok i am confused because its missing a section which should show the dns suffix? but at the same time the amtinfo command has NEVER worked on my V7 due to a bug i will try fix my bug here next week, and then have a look at whats going on if i can im sorry i cant be of much more help, i will ask @Ylianst when i get chance, see if he has any suggestions as we must be missing something!

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

This is from a system that is working.

Later version of AMT.

C:\ZEN\MeshCentral>meshcmd amtinfo Intel AMT v16.1.30, activated in Admin Control Mode (ACM). Wired Enabled, DHCP, CC:96:E5:37:4A:7F DNS suffix: alleanza.local Connection Status: Outside, CIRA: Connected to mc1.zen.net.au, Periodic.

What determines Connection Status: Outside versus Direct?

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

Actually that demonstrates (at least in that instance) that the DNS suffix doesn't need to match the MeshCentral server DNS suffix.

si458 commented 1 month ago

ok so the dns suffix isnt the problem! thats ok! im still learning all the AMT bits n bob so my mistake! AMT seems to be registering as direct and thinks it has direct access to your meshcentral server rather than registering as OUTSIDE the network and needs to use CIRA. so are both of the AMT machines (v12 and v16) on the same network OR different networks with like different DNS servers? one other thing to check is use meshcommander again, go into Internet Settings and click Environment detection and see what DNS names are listed in the pop up, it should list a RANDOM name

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

These systems are on completely different networks.

But the AMT systems that aren't working are all registered as Direct.

So that could be the issue here.

si458 commented 1 month ago

one other thing to check is use meshcommander again, go into Internet Settings and click Environment detection and see what DNS names are listed in the pop up, it should ONLY list a RANDOM name, is this the case? (screenshot hehe)

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

one other thing to check is use meshcommander again, go into Internet Settings and click Environment detection and see what DNS names are listed in the pop up, it should ONLY list a RANDOM name, is this the case? (screenshot hehe)

si458 commented 1 month ago

so the is defo something wrong with the AMT then? are the IP addresses assigned to the DNS name different from the working ones and non-working ones? (like internal ip VS external ip?)

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

The systems that aren't working.

Are at the same physical site (not the same subnet) as the MeshCentral server.

But they're accessing the MeshCentral server via the same router (so the same network path) as the Outside host.

So, from my perspective they should consider the MeshCentral server to be outside. But perhaps the AMT / MeshCentral logic is "smart enough" to tell the difference.

If that is the case, I'd like to understand the logic, so that I can make it so that these AMT systems will see the MeshCentral server as 'Outside' and not 'Direct'.

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

so the is defo something wrong with the AMT then? are the IP addresses assigned to the DNS name different from the working ones and non-working ones? (like internal ip VS external ip?)

The internal IP's are completely different subnets.

The external IP could be the problem here.

With the Outside systems, they are at a different location so the Public IP address is different.

With the Direct systems, they are at the same site, and the Public IP address is the same.

But in both cases, the same firewall rules are used. So it is the same FQDN:port which then forwards to the same internal IP/ port.

si458 commented 1 month ago

@ZENAdmin-Ops in theory the logic is already set, you shared the screenshot for Environment detection and if you read it, IF the local dns suffix is the same as those listed in the list then it conciders the AMT as LOCAL/DIRECT BUT if they arent the same, its concidered AWAY/OUTSIDE

but for some reason the AMT seems to think it has DIRECT access to your meshcentral server which doesnt make sense?

one thing you can try is REMOVE/UNCOMMENT WANonly from your config.json, restart meshcentral, let it enter into hybrid mode, see if the devices suddenly connect! if they do, the machines seem to think they can talk directly to meshcentral without CIRA support

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

one thing you can try is REMOVE/UNCOMMENT WANonly from your config.json, restart meshcentral, let it enter into hybrid mode, see if the devices suddenly connect! if they do, the machines seem to think they can talk directly to meshcentral without CIRA support


Two of the systems are now connected!

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

But no change to amtinfo

This is from a system now online and working in MeshCentral

C:\ZEN\MeshCentral\ZEN>meshcmd amtinfo Intel AMT v12.0.93, activated in Admin Control Mode (ACM). Wired Enabled, Static, E4:54:E8:92:A7:FB, Connection Status: Direct, CIRA: Disconnected.

That doesn't make sense to me.

si458 commented 1 month ago

@ZENAdmin-Ops glad its almost sorted but wow that is weird !? it must be the machines are seeing the meshcentral server as LAN rather than WAN for some reason? AMT is very confusing to understand BUT an amazing technology/idea!

im assuming the amtinfo hasnt changed BECAUSE those machines that arent working can talk directly to meshcentral rather than using the CIRA, only thing i can think off!

i will dig into the meshcmd tho when i get chance as i said before i have a BUG which means it doesnt work on mine at all.

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

There are also still two systems whose status hasn't changed, and I can't think what to do to them to get them to connect.

Other than deleting them out of MeshCentral and re-running meshcmd amtconfig

I think there is a bug here.

si458 commented 1 month ago

There are also still two systems whose status hasn't changed, and I can't think what to do to them to get them to connect.

Other than deleting them out of MeshCentral and re-running meshcmd amtconfig

I think there is a bug here.

i would say WAIT about 10-15mins see if they connect themselves, if they dont then UNPROVISION them using the meshcmd or the mebx, then reconfig them and see what happens

its all trial and error now!

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

When you say UNPROVISION using meshcmd.

Which command?

I used AmtAcmDeactivate on one system and completely lost control of AMT.

I had to go to site to access MEBX directly.

si458 commented 1 month ago

yes that command! AmtAcmDeactivate its very dangerous as it unprovisions the AMT, it basically removed all certs, details, etc and resets to default the AMT (not the password tho), so yes you would need to be on site for that

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago

Unprovision is a shitter.

That cannot be done remotely.

ZENAdmin-Ops commented 1 month ago


As I expected the two unconnected hosts have not connected.

I'd like to try options to tweak the AMT settings to switch the connection from Direct to CIRA.

All the AMT systems that are connecting via CIRA are working smoothly.

When you next are able to speak with @Ylianst if you could ask what options I might be able to try here to get these AMT's to switch to CIRA.

That would be great.