Open Ritul13 opened 1 year ago
From inside the folder, open terminal and run
sudo python3 >/dev/null 2>&1 & exit
And to open the openfreezecenter everytime, run the same command.
I will fix this issue in the next launch!
I have done ever Done everything last it says unsupported distro
You need to install every library mentioned in the readme file manually.
The unsupported distribution error is when the libraries can't be automatically installed
and after installing manually run the command as above comment
Ok i will give it a try
i have follow the commond and use some help of chat.gpt but it is showing this and is not opening the software at all i have dowloaded all the dependencies before also i will share the images..with you
I need to test this on arch based distro. will fix it in next release
Please do.... I have been want to use linux and learning but if fan don't work my laptop will be a stove then i have to use it for bread toaster
Ok, the reason why it's not running on arch is because stuff like this is in the code that only works for debian based systems idk (subprocess.check_call(["sudo", "apt", "install", "python3-pip", "-y"])
line 5 in
Apt and arch mehhh (apt does not exist on arch and instead theres pacman idk) and the installation of pip was changed to this python -m ensurepip --upgrade
Also i can recommend doing this
subprocess.check_call(["python", "-m", "pip", "install", option_1, option_2])
instead of this
subprocess.check_call(["pip", "install", option_1, option_2])
because then it runs it with python and not as a console command so probably better idk
And we all(me) have the problems only because dragon center is WINDOWS ONLY!??? WTF WHAT SPONGEHEAD HAD THIS IDEA TO HAVE IT ONLY WINDOWS COMPATIBLE???
So bottom line this will not run on arch-based? (Manjaro here) Maybe remove Arch from supported distros in the README file?
Stupid msi dragon center guys can't make for linux because the world is just running because people want money so it would make no sense for them because too less linux users. Now i sadly have to stick with windows because i don't like if an active airplaine carrier is next to me.
Ai least someone have come up with an idea it will improved with time.... We have to also contribute in it
Follow all the steps opened termi al in execution file but saying not found...then i stall all dependencies of pythong but still not running My laptop is MSI 15 A3DD alpha ARCH linux Kde plasma, Distro Garuda