YoYoGames / GMEXT-EpicOnlineServices

Repository for GameMaker's Epic Online Services Extension
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Async social event never gets fired for EpicGames_Auth_Login #9

Closed patchuby closed 1 month ago

patchuby commented 1 month ago

Using the auth flow from the init exemple provided in the package :

        RefreshPeriod_AccountID = room_speed*60*10//Around of 10mins
        Connect_NotifyAuthExpiration = noone
        Connect_NotifyLoginStatusChanged = noone

        request_MFA = noone

        NotifyID_Auth_LoginStatusChanged = EpicGames_Auth_AddNotifyLoginStatusChanged()
        NotifyID_Connect_AuthExpiration= EpicGames_Connect_AddNotifyAuthExpiration()
        NotifyID_Connect_LoginStatusChanged = EpicGames_Connect_AddNotifyLoginStatusChanged()
        NotifyID_Friends = EpicGames_Friends_AddNotifyFriendsUpdate()
        NotifyID_Achievements_UnlockedV2 = EpicGames_Achievements_AddNotifyAchievementsUnlockedV2()
        NotifyID_UI_DisplaySettingsUpdated = EpicGames_UI_AddNotifyDisplaySettingsUpdated()

                EpicGames_AS_BasicProfile | EpicGames_AS_FriendsList | EpicGames_AS_Presence,

The Social Async event never gets fired ("Async : ...." debug message never gets printed).

I'm testing this on Windows, launching a build from the Epic Store launcher.

DiasFranciscoA commented 1 month ago

This was due to a misconfiguration of the project. And can now be closed.

[!NOTE] Documentation was updated to cover more important steps during configuration