YoYoGames / GMEXT-GooglePlayBilling

Repository for GameMaker's GooglePlayBilling Extension
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Redeeming Free IAP Key Causes Crash #17

Open npapalia opened 4 days ago

npapalia commented 4 days ago

Hey there, I wanted to quickly ask about a problem we've encountered and are having a hard time solving. Everything related to our in-app-purchases on Android work, but code redemption for a free copy of an IAP isn't being recognized, and causes a hard crash in our current code. We are guessing that this needs to be handled in a different way than usual purchases, but cannot find the documentation/resources to see where to do that. Could you point us towards how to handle this?

This happens when the player who has redeemed the IAP (non-repeatable, one time purchase) encounters the check to ensure that players have purchased this IAP in the game.

IMG_0386 image

jzavala-YYG commented 4 days ago

Hello @npapalia, can you send us the string of _json?. Probably it's not presenting acknowledged but you can handle it as acknowledged=false if acknowledged doesn't exists