YoYoGames / GMEXT-GooglePlayBilling

Repository for GameMaker's GooglePlayBilling Extension
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Weird crash : Java_com_yoyogames_runner_RunnerJNILib_jCreateDsMap #4

Closed caroparo closed 1 year ago

caroparo commented 1 year ago

(Built using latest LTS v2022.0.1, Android SDKs as specified in required SDKs for LTS v2022.0.1) I saw a new, weird crash on RunnerJNILib.jCreateDsMap in billing (onQueryPurchasesResponse):

` [libyoyo.so] CDS_Map::Find(RValue*) SIGSEGV

00 pc 0x0000000000539a1c /data/app/~~${deleted}==/${bundle_id}-${deleted}==/lib/arm64/libyoyo.so (CDS_Map::Find(RValue*)+100)

01 pc 0x000000000053b018 /data/app/~~${deleted}==/${bundle_id}-${deleted}==/lib/arm64/libyoyo.so (CDS_Map::Add(RValue, RValue)+120)

02 pc 0x00000000003eb084 /data/app/~~${deleted}==/${bundle_id}-${deleted}==/lib/arm64/libyoyo.so (F_DsMapAdd_Internal(int, char const*, double)+148)

03 pc 0x00000000005be234 /data/app/~~${deleted}==/${bundle_id}-${deleted}==/lib/arm64/libyoyo.so (Java_com_yoyogames_runner_RunnerJNILib_jCreateDsMap+532)


Could it be something related to the use of "keys, dvals" arrays on jCreateDsMap?

caroparo commented 1 year ago

It seems to have been resolved by cleaning up memory issue from my end.