YoYoGames / GMEXT-Steamworks

Repository for GameMaker's Steamworks Extension
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steam_set_achievement is not working #57

Closed kt-altyn closed 4 months ago

kt-altyn commented 4 months ago

image i have set up an achievements via my steamworks panel, released it publicly. i set up steamworks ext 1.5.0 correctly, set up my app id and official steam sdk 1.55 location. however this code does not works. image

show_debug_message(steam_initialised()); returns true while all of the below returns false: show_debug_message(steam_get_achievement("ACH_WELCOME_1")); show_debug_message(steam_stats_ready()); show_debug_message(steam_is_overlay_enabled()); show_debug_message(steam_is_overlay_activated());

things to mention: 1- i use a persistent object's step event to steam_update(); 2- i am using steam version of gamemaker studio. 3- i have not released my game on steam yet, i am testing achievement stuff via gamemaker studio, as a project

stuckie commented 4 months ago

Thanks for reporting this issue, but in order to investigate we will need a small project which shows this issue. Please report this issue again, but ensure you have a suitable project open at the time and you have checked the “Include Project” option on the bug form.

stuckie commented 4 months ago

Alternatively, attach a project via Google Drive or something similar that we can request access for.

kt-altyn commented 4 months ago

Alternatively, attach a project via Google Drive or something similar that we can request access for.

to make things simple, i created a new project and imported "steamworks ext", run the project and it stuck on "you are not logged in to steam!!"

i guess i do not need to upload default project of the extension.

kt-altyn commented 4 months ago

i logged off from my yoyogames account then relogged in. didnt change anything at all and the problem is solved. i dont know how.