YoYoGames / GMRT-Beta

Bug Tracking for new GameMaker Runtime Beta
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Building Projects: "tileAnimation expected" error when building projects that contain a Tile Set #210

Closed SamTHodson closed 1 month ago

SamTHodson commented 1 month ago


When building a project that contains a Tile Set (not necessarily in a Room), the build will fail with the following error:

C:/Users/samth/GameMakerProjects/ToDelete/25July2024/tilesets/TileSet1/TileSet1.yy(26,3): GMSC Error: tileAnimation expected.
Core Resources : IDE Message - ProjectLoad_ErrorTitle : ProjectLoad_ErrorMessage ( C:/Users/samth/GameMakerProjects/ToDelete/25July2024/tilesets/TileSet1/TileSet1.yy(26,3): GMSC Error: tileAnimation expected. )
Unhandled exception. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at yypc.GMAssets.<>c__DisplayClass211_0.<AddProjectToAssets>b__2(ResourceBase _project, Exception _serialiseException) in C:\actions-runner\_work\GMRT\GMRT\YoYoCompilerToolChain\tools\yypc\yypc\GameMaker\GMAssets.cs:line 405
   at YoYoStudio.Resources.ProjectInfo.<>c__DisplayClass23_0.<LoadProject>g__handleFailure|4(Exception exception) in C:\actions-runner\_work\GMRT\GMRT\YoYoCompilerToolChain\tools\CoreResources\CoreResources\Management\ProjectInfo.cs:line 297
   at YoYoStudio.Resources.ProjectInfo.LoadProject(String _path, Boolean _setActive, OnLoadSaveSuccess _onSuccess, OnLoadSaveUpdate _onUpdate, OnLoadSaveFailed _onFailed, Func`2 _shouldShowError) in C:\actions-runner\_work\GMRT\GMRT\YoYoCompilerToolChain\tools\CoreResources\CoreResources\Management\ProjectInfo.cs:line 325
   at yypc.GMAssets.AddProjectToAssets(String _filename, GMAssets _assets, WADHelper _wadHelper, Dictionary`2 resourceHandlerOverrides) in C:\actions-runner\_work\GMRT\GMRT\YoYoCompilerToolChain\tools\yypc\yypc\GameMaker\GMAssets.cs:line 397
   at yypc.Program.CreateProject(String projectPath, String projectDir, String projectName, String projectExtension) in C:\actions-runner\_work\GMRT\GMRT\YoYoCompilerToolChain\tools\yypc\yypc\Program.cs:line 461
   at yypc.Program.BuildProject() in C:\actions-runner\_work\GMRT\GMRT\YoYoCompilerToolChain\tools\yypc\yypc\Program.cs:line 948
   at yypc.Program.DoAction(eBuildAction action) in C:\actions-runner\_work\GMRT\GMRT\YoYoCompilerToolChain\tools\yypc\yypc\Program.cs:line 230
   at yypc.Program.Main(String[] _args) in C:\actions-runner\_work\GMRT\GMRT\YoYoCompilerToolChain\tools\yypc\yypc\Program.cs:line 188
[createdump] Writing minidump for process 16756 to file C:\ProgramData\GameMakerStudio2-Beta\Dumps\gmdump.16756.dmp
[createdump] Dump successfully written in 168ms

Tested using IDE v2024.800.0.597 Runtime v2024.800.0.620

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Expected Change

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Steps To Reproduce

  1. Start GameMaker
  2. Open/create a project
  3. Create a new Tile Set
  4. Run the project using GMRT
  5. Observe the issue

Repro: 100%

How reliably can you recreate this issue using your steps above?


Which version of GameMaker are you reporting this issue for?

Beta (Please put the exact version number in your Description)

Which operating system(s) are you seeing the problem on?

Windows 11, Windows 10

Which platform(s) are you having trouble building this project for?


Are you running GameMaker from inside your Steam library?


ui.log File

Compiler Log File

Sample .yyz File

LukeBrownYoYoGames commented 1 month ago

This should now be fixed in GMRT milestone 0.12.0. This required and update the GMRT's coreresources as tilesets had recently been changed