In the sound mixed, if there are multiple tracks, then the play/pause button's functionality is based on the shortest track. This means if tracks are still playing the user cannot pause the current selection of audio.
Open a project with several audio files
Open a sound file
Open the sound mixer
Have multiple tracks in the one list as above
make sure one of the tracks is noticeably shorter than the rest
press play
notice the pause button changes to play once the shortest has played meaning the user cannot stop the other audio without closing the mixer
There should be the ability to pause and or stop the all the audio that is still playing for these circumstances
In the sound mixed, if there are multiple tracks, then the play/pause button's functionality is based on the shortest track. This means if tracks are still playing the user cannot pause the current selection of audio.
There should be the ability to pause and or stop the all the audio that is still playing for these circumstances