YoYoGames / GameMaker-Bugs

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Ticket: #181110 - Change position of Steam Popup #3631

Open iampremo opened 1 year ago

iampremo commented 1 year ago

Ticket: [Ticket #181110]

Description: I know games can choose where the Steam popup will appear (From Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottm Right). This is done by the Steam API Function ISteamUtils::SetOverlayNotificationPosition (As explicit on their SDK documentation), but it lools like there's no way way to set this on Gamemaker Studio 2.

This is really important for certain games.

Benefit: I need this with URGENCY. The default option covers important area of my game, and right now the Steam notification popup is making the game borderline unplayable.

WangleLine commented 1 year ago

Would love this too!