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Advanced Audio Feature(S) #3782

Open iampremo opened 1 year ago

iampremo commented 1 year ago

Feature Type: feat_addition_manual // IDE Description: Hello! We are developing a game with 3D elements and our team is wondering if there are plans to support any Advanced Audio features that are currently available in other engines.

Here is a brief summary of features current requested by our audio team: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VKcaEPEewhDWClZ32-Ik4mYs4juDRHu8UA2IyMT9GBc/edit?pli=1]

Thank you Benefit: Greatly enhance our game's audio experience and immersion. Link: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VKcaEPEewhDWClZ32-Ik4mYs4juDRHu8UA2IyMT9GBc/edit?pli=1]

WangleLine commented 1 year ago

They should probably re-request these without the docs link, and also split it into individual requests because it's hard to track a FR with so many parts