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Sprite Editor: Ability to change the scale of a nine-slice sprite independently of its "region" size #4071

Open iampremo opened 1 year ago

iampremo commented 1 year ago


It'd be nice if there was a way to change the scale of a nine-sliced sprite independently of the "region" size.


In pixel art projects, nine-sliced UI elements can't have their actual pixel scale changed.

Alternatives You Have Tried

One workaround for this is scaling up the sprite itself in the sprite editor, or on disk, but that does not work for my project, since I'm allowing the user to change the GUI scale factor themselves.

WangleLine commented 1 year ago

I'd love this too, yeah. Made an entire small library just because gamemaker doesn't support this natively: https://github.com/WangleLine/NiceSlice

tinkerer-red commented 1 year ago

Adding to this, I've done much work for people who just cant fathom that gui pixel art means we're really zoomed in and that the font will not look the perfect way they want it to with out a fair amount of work. Having this ability means we could still use pixel art assets but keep out higher-res fonts. even able to keep the gui's size the default as camera's

rwkay commented 1 year ago

I am very unclear on what is actually wanted here - the whole point of nineslice is that the scaling of elements is NOT done (or at least controlled in particular ways).

What are you actually trying to achieve with this request (probably best to show pictures illustrating what you actually want).

WangleLine commented 1 year ago


This is what changing the "internal scale" looks like in practice

KeeVeeGames commented 1 year ago

Btw, such scaling is possible with the matrix functions, I am using that in my current project. It's okay and working, but breaking the GPU batch obviously and not so convenient to code. So, I'm rooting for this feature.