YoYoGames / GameMaker-Bugs

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Prefab Library #4681

Open iampremo opened 7 months ago

iampremo commented 7 months ago

The Prefab library is a window within which is listed the available prefabs to users.

Specific version of a prefab can be added to rooms or sequences directly. These prefabs will not be added to the project but a reference to them is kept allowing only the used assets to be added to a build.

gnysek commented 4 months ago

This might be outdated, but on Discord it was said that prefabs phases might be ordered this way:

Phase 1 - file format changes
Phase 2 - Prefab Library and Package Manager integration
Phase 3 - UI creation prefabs
Phase 4 - User created prefabs

Sounds like this issue is about Phase 2.

Alkapivo commented 1 month ago

Package Manager in gamemaker? WOW 😮A few questions :)

  1. Question regarding the New format brief explanation: Does loading prefabs result in modifying the project's *.yyp file? Will there still be one file, or will the list of prefabs be in a separate file?
  2. How will encapsulation be ensured, and will naming collisions be prohibited by throwing an exception during the import of prefabs?
  3. How will the synchronization of prefabs be ensured? Will it be possible to specify a specific repository, SHA, or branch name and file path, and then synchronize these files?
  4. Will the Package Manager be available as a CLI tool as well, or only through the GUI? E.g.:
    • JavaScript: npm install example-dependency
    • Python: pip install example-dependency
    • Ruby: gem install example-dependency
    • PHP: composer require example/dependency
    • C#: dotnet add package Example.Dependency
    • Go: go get example.com/dependency
    • Swift: swift package add-dependency https://github.com/example/dependency
    • Rust: cargo add example-dependency
    • Kotlin: implementation "com.example:example-dependency:1.0.0"