YoYoGames / GameMaker-Bugs

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Startup: GM silent crash due to "MySQL font" virus issue still possible in 2023.11, need to add 1568 dialog in more places #4693

Closed user1685024 closed 2 months ago

user1685024 commented 3 months ago



This interface is displayed in the last step after the first installation is completed: Snipaste_2024-02-11_05-15-11

and if you try to click to open it, it will crash directly. I have tried both the official website and the steam version. I have also restarted the installation, or checked directx12. I have been working since 2 am. I still can't solve this problem until 5 o'clock, and I am a Chinese user. I can only try to translate most of the text. I still can't find a description of this problem in your manual.

Expected Change

No response

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Download the installation package
  2. Install
  3. crash

How reliably can you recreate this issue using your steps above?


Which version of GameMaker are you reporting this issue for?

2023.11.1 (Monthly)

Which operating system(s) are you seeing the problem on?

Windows 10

Are you running GameMaker from inside your Steam library?


Contact Us Package Attached?

Sample Project Added?

stuckie commented 3 months ago


This might be due to firewall or other networking issues blocking the start-up. However, as you cannot open the IDE, you will need to attach the ui.log manually so we can have a better idea on what is going on. You can find this at: C:\ProgramData\GameMakerStudio2\ui.log or %ProgramData%\GameMakerStudio2\ui.log if your ProgramData directory is different from the default.

stuckie commented 3 months ago

Closing this just now to keep our side tidy. If you can get the ui.log and create a new ticket, we can investigate further.

user1685024 commented 3 months ago


这可能是由于防火墙或其他网络问题阻止启动。 但是,由于您无法打开 IDE,因此您需要手动附加 ui.log,以便我们可以更好地了解发生了什么。 您可以在以下位置找到此文件:C:\ProgramData\GameMakerStudio2\ui.log 或 %ProgramData%\GameMakerStudio2\ui.log(如果您的 ProgramData 目录与默认目录不同)。

ui.log thanks!

stuckie commented 3 months ago

From the ui.log there is an error here: [12:00:03:493(ad70)] IDE Exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Windows\Fonts\Mysql' is denied. at System.IO.Enumeration.FileSystemEnumerator1.CreateRelativeDirectoryHandle(ReadOnlySpan1 relativePath, String fullPath) at System.IO.Enumeration.FileSystemEnumerator1.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection) at Graphics.Text.HbFontManager.DiscoverFontsFromDirectory(String fontDirectory) at Graphics.Text.HbFontManager.Initialize() at YoYoStudio.IDE.Initialise(String[] _args, Int32 _initialWidth, Int32 _initialHeight) at YoYoStudio.IDE.Execute(String[] _args, Int32 _initialWidth, Int32 _initialHeight) [12:00:03:493(ad70)]

We are aware of a virus that does this and have an FAQ on how to deal with this here: https://help.gamemaker.io/hc/en-us/articles/14837145219485-Startup-Crashes-Due-To-Access-to-the-path-C-WINDOWS-Fonts-Mysql-is-denied-Windows-IDE

Hopefully that helps!

user1685024 commented 3 months ago

从 ui.log 来看,这里有一个错误: [12:00:03:493(ad70)] IDE 异常:System.UnauthorizedAccessException:对路径“C:\Windows\Fonts\Mysql”的访问被拒绝。 在 System.IO.Enumeration.FileSystemEnumerator 1.CreateRelativeDirectoryHandle(ReadOnlySpan1 相对路径,字符串 fullPath) 在 System.IO.Enumeration.FileSystemEnumerator 1.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.List1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 集合) 在 Graphics.Text.HbFontManager.DiscoverFontsFromDirectory(String fontDirectory) 在 Graphics.Text.HbFontManager .Initialize() 在 YoYoStudio.IDE.Initialise(String[] _args, Int32 _initialWidth, Int32 _initialHeight) 在 YoYoStudio.IDE.Execute(String[] _args, Int32 _initialWidth, Int32 _initialHeight) [12:00:03:493(ad70) )]

我们知道有一种病毒会造成这种情况,并在此处提供了有关如何处理此问题的常见问题解答:https ://help.gamemaker.io/hc/en-us/articles/14837145219485-Startup-Crashes-Due-To-Access -到路径-C-WINDOWS-Fonts-Mysql-is-denied-Windows-IDE


Thank you for your answer, but I cannot find the folder under this link. At the same time, I tried to google this directory address: "C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\Mysql", but there was no answer. Can you tell me how to make it Show it? PS: I checked your link. The solution is to open fonts and delete the Mysql folder. Do I understand it correctly?

stuckie commented 3 months ago

Correct; from the error in the callstack, it was trying to access the C:\Windows\Fonts\Mysql directory, and failed ( UnauthorizedAccessException )

We know from previous reports that this is likely to be a virus, so we recommend you delete the "Mysql" directory from "C:\Windows\Fonts" and run a virus scan to catch anything else.

I've also reopened this ticket as we need to add an additional warning dialogue on start-up, so you do not need to close it as completed.

user1685024 commented 3 months ago

正确的;从调用堆栈中的错误来看,它试图访问 C:\Windows\Fonts\Mysql 目录,但失败了( UnauthorizedAccessException )



Okay, but I checked C:\Windows\Fonts. This is the font directory of the window. There is no folder in it, and the folder cannot be created, as shown in the picture. How can I "delete the Mysql directory" you said? At the same time, I used ESET to fully scan and kill my computer.

stuckie commented 3 months ago

Ah, it may have already been cleaned.. if GameMaker is still not able to start up, please provide a new ui.log as there may be another reason.

user1685024 commented 3 months ago



user1685024 commented 3 months ago


Thank you for your patient reply, please see above

user1685024 commented 3 months ago

Ah, it may have already been cleaned.. if GameMaker is still not able to start up, please provide a new ui.log as there may be another reason.

new ui.log ,please see above

stuckie commented 3 months ago

Hello, the ui.log still states the same reason that it cannot start up - that there is a C:\Windows\Fonts\mysql directory which we cannot open.

You may be able to resolve this by opening the Command Prompt as Administrator, image

And then typing in: rmdir /s c:\windows\fonts\mysql image

However, please be careful in how you type, so that you do not delete the wrong thing. At this point there isn't anything else we can do from a GameMaker stand point - the issue is that there is a directory in your C:\Windows\Fonts that we know of as causing harm, and it may be advised to seek assistance elsewhere if the issue continues, as it is outwith the scope of the support we can provide.

YYDan commented 2 months ago

The guide already said that the folder was hidden and also protected, so would be harder to find. Users will always need to read the whole guide and follow its advice.

There's nothing we need to change/update about the guide in response to this GitHub issue.

caitlinrmcintyre commented 2 months ago

Verified fix in IDE v2024.400.0.529 Runtime v2024.400.0.550, thanks.