YoYoGames / GameMaker-Bugs

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Code Editor 2: Backspace, ctrl+z and ctrl+y don't work. #5737

Open gm-bug-reporter[bot] opened 2 weeks ago

gm-bug-reporter[bot] commented 2 weeks ago


I was just writing code in CE2 and at some random point the backspace stopped deleting code. I tried using the backspace in other applications, also in CE1, just to make sure my keyboard isn't broken and it works just fine. I tried deleting the code with CTRL + Z snd it also didn't work. I tried the 'undo' and 'redo' options from the 'Edit' menu and they work just fine. After I hit 'Undo' i tried CTRL + Y to redo and it also didn't work. I tried closing and reopening the beta ide and it still doesn't work. Right now I can't edit my code in CE2 outside of writing new code and using the undo and redo options.

Steps To Reproduce

It happened at a random time out of nowhere. I don't think I did anything specific for it to happen.

Which version of GameMaker are you reporting this issue for?

IDE v2024.400.0.556 Runtime v2024.400.0.571

Which operating system(s) are you seeing the problem on?

Windows 10.0.22631.0


Threef3F commented 2 weeks ago

I have the same issue. Seems like everything works in create event, but then making changes in other events of the same object changes code of Create event

Furkan-Karabudak commented 1 week ago

Same version, holding down keys like enter, backspace doesn't work. If I want to delete a long code I have to press backspace again and again hundreds of times. It only works while typing characters.

alicemoretti commented 1 week ago

Possibly related to issue #9620

BifDog commented 5 days ago

I am seeing this on the Mac beta. To clarify, it is not just the create event that "works" it is whatever event is at the top region (cleanUp for example). typing return, backspace or undo in any other event will apply the return, backspace or undo to the first, top-most event. Once this behavior happens, I can't get out of it. In fact, even when typing in other objects workspaces, these keys will STILL type only in the first region of the affected object. in this shot, when I detach the workspace for object 2, pressing enter etc is happening in object 1

Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 9 15 54 AM
BifDog commented 5 days ago

last note, this happens 100% of the time for me on version Beta 2024.400.0.556 (Mac)